23class WEMPrimitiveValueList;
Wraps a FileMap so we can handle errors and exceptions more easily.
Class to save/load a WEMPatch.
void saveTo(OutStreamWrapper &ostreamWrapper, const WEMPersistenceParameters &persistenceParameters, WEMProgressUpdater &progressUpdater)
WEMPatchPersistence(WEMPatch *patch)
unsigned int loadFrom(FileMapWrapper &mapper, const WEMPersistenceParameters &persistenceParameters, const WEMReadParameters &readParameters, WEMProgressUpdater &progressUpdater)
Base class for triangle and quad patches.
Stores a value list where the values are associated to primitives (WEMNode, WEMEdge,...
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.
Structure to gather persistence parameters.
Helper struct for updating the progress bar while loading/saving.
Helper struct for bundling parameters to keep method interfaces small.