Defines export symbols for classes, so they can be used in other DLLs.
Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object.
Field to encapsulate a boolean value.
Base class for CSOModules.
The CSOBoundingBox defines an axis parallel bounding box with double precision.
Base class for modules that convert CSOs to voxel images.
NotifyField * _clearFld
If pressed the output image is invalidated and internal data is cleared.
StringField * _voxelBoundingBoxStringFld
A string representing the starting and the ending points (in 6D) of the voxel bounding box.
BoolField * _listenInteractionNotificationsFld
Shall the module listen to interaction notifications?
Vector3Field * _endWorldBoundingBoxFld
End of the world bounding box.
Vector3Field * _endVoxelBoundingBoxFld
End of the voxel bounding box.
bool _outputImageCanStayValidIfCSOChanged
If set to true, the output image can stay valid even if the input CSO has changed.
virtual void _calcOutSubImageMinMaxValue(double &minValue, double &maxValue, MLDataType &dType)
Calculates the minimum and the maximum output image values, and the data type.
void activateAttachments() override
Initialize module after loading.
FloatField * _backgroundValueFld
The background image value.
virtual void _clear()
Clears internal data and invalidates the output image.
bool _isInNotificationCB
Locking variable for the observer mechanism.
void handleNotification(Field *field) override
Called when input changes.
BoolField * _listenInteractionFinishedFld
Shall the module listen to finished interaction notifications?
CSOList * _inCSOList
The input CSOList (the original one).
void _setBoundingBoxFields(const CSOBoundingBox &voxelBB, const CSOBoundingBox &worldBB)
Sets the given vectors as bounding box fields to the GUI.
BoolField * _copyInputImageFld
Shall the input image be copied?
bool _canProduceOutputImage
Can the module produce a valid output image?
CSOConvertor(int numInImages=1, int numOutImages=1)
Standard constructor.
static void _csoListNotifcationCB(void *userData, int notificationFlag)
Can be called from anywhere from within the network.
bool _hasValidVoxelData
Is the interpolation compound up to date?
Vector3Field * _startVoxelBoundingBoxFld
Start of the voxel bounding box.
~CSOConvertor() override
Standard destructor.
BoolField * _useAlwaysForegroundValueOfModuleFld
Shall the module always use the voxel write value of its GUI?
virtual void _process()
Triggers the computation of the preprocessing.
FloatField * _foregroundValueFld
The foreground (object) image value.
BaseField * _inCSOListFld
The input CSOList (which is to be interpolated).
void calculateOutputImageProperties(int outputIndex, PagedImage *outputImage) override
Sets the properties of the output image.
BoolField * _useImageValuesFld
Shall the image's values be used?
bool _shouldAugmentBoundingBoxZ
Should the bounding box be augmented in z-direction by 1?
BoolField * _fillSurfaceFld
Shall the interpolated surface be filled?
IntField * _boundingBoxMarginFld
The margin for the bounding box. Default is 0 (no margin).
Vector3Field * _startWorldBoundingBoxFld
Start of the world bounding box.
A CSOList comprises a number of CSOs and CSOGroups and is the central object for contour segmentation...
Base class for all fields used in the ML.
Field to encapsulate a float value.
Field to encapsulate an integer value.
Field without value for notifications.
Class which represents an image, which manages properties of an image and image data which is located...
Field to encapsulate a string value.
Field to encapsulate a vector of 3 double values.
#define ML_MODULE_CLASS_HEADER(className)
Like ML_CLASS_HEADER for the usage of derived classes from Module.
MLint32 MLDataType
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.