
author Insight Software Consortium
package MeVisLab/ITK
dll MLFiltersWXYZ
definition MLFiltersWXYZ.def


This module wraps the class itk::ZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter to make it usable in MeVisLab.


  • Integration type = Wrapped ITK class
  • Module category = Filters
  • Included (toolkit) file(s): itkZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter.h
  • Compiled for 2D, 3D and 6D images
  • Compiled (only) for float and double voxels
  • Compiled (only) for signed voxels
  • Wraps a class of type itkImageToImageFilter


See Integration of ITK Algorithms in MeVisLab for further information about the ITK-MeVisLab binding.

Parameter Fields

Select label links in the module panel to go to the documentation of the class and base classes parameters.

Go to for the documentation of the class itk::ZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter and its parameters.

See Common User Interface Parameters of itk Modules for information about parameters which do not belong to the itk::ZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter.