Integration of ITK Algorithms in MeVisLab¶
Integration of ITK Algorithms in MeVisLab¶
This is the main documentation page for the binding of the ITK in MeVisLab.
See also
- file:../../../../../MeVisLab/Resources/Documentation/Publish/SDK/ReleaseNotes/index.html for the MeVisLab Release Notes.
Common User Interface Parameters of itk Modules
for a detailed description of often used user interface parametersTechnical Notes of the Wrapping of ITK Algorithms in MeVisLab
for technical limitations and known bugs- file:../../../Modules/ML/GeneratedITKModules/ModuleDetails.txt for detail information about itk modules in MeVisLab
General structure of a MeVisLab network for registration with itk
to see how to build an itk registration network in MeVisLabTips and Tricks for ITK Registration
for tips and tricks to make ITK registration more successful in MeVisLab- Have a look at the directories file:../../../Modules/ML/ITKExtras/itkBookExamples next to the directory file:../../../Modules/ML/ITKExtras/networks with example networks for modules. It contains a collection of examples similar to them from the ITK book.
- Developer tool functionality: file:../../../../../MeVisLab/Resources/Documentation/Publish/SDK/ToolBoxReference/MLITKSupportPage.html
- Further external ITK links:
- – the ITK main page
- – the main documentation page with the ITK Software Guide
- – the ITK Software Guide itself
- – the doxygen main page
- – the alphabetic list of ITK classes
- For licenses and copyrights see the directories the directories file:../../../../ThirdParty/ThirdPartyInformation/itk and in the IDE menu Help/About.
- Acknowledgements:
- The module generators for the ITK and VTK bindings for MeVisLab makes heavily use of the great tool XML for ITK developed by Julien Jomier at / CADDLab. He also provided many ideas and support for the MeVisLab - ITK integration.