
The itkImageFileWriter is a wrapper module for the itk meta file IO writer. It can save many - not all - ML image configurations with a number of file formats. Be aware that itkImageFileWriter has several backends with several different behaviors and also several limitations, do not expect that all image information is completely stored and/or reloaded. For known limitations see the section about known issues in Tips.

For example the following file formats are supported:

  • Analyze: .img, .hdr, .img.gz
  • BioRad: .pic
  • Bitmap: .bmp
  • Dicom: .dcm, .dicom
  • Gipl: .gipl
  • JPEG: .jpg, .jpeg
  • Laser Scan Microscopy: .lsm
  • MetaImage: .mha .mhd
  • Nearly Raw Raster Data: .nrrd
  • Nifti: .nii
  • PNG: .png
  • Stimulate: .spr
  • Tiff: .tif, .tiff
  • VTK: .vtk

The file format to be used to write the file is determined by the file extension used in the File Name field.


Set up a file name in the File Name field, use an appropriate file extension and press save.


The following issues are known:

  • Saving color images is still not supported, because internal data layouts of itk and ML differ for color images. Consider writing images with vector voxels instead and decompose them after reading to color images again. Note, however, that this is not straightforward for different file formats, color models, and voxel types. See also Tips in itkImageFileReader.
  • The itkImageFileWriter loads the entire input image into memory before it can save the image, because paging is currently not supported. For large image files this can lead to out of memory problems.
  • The itkImageFileWriter does not save additional image information such as DICOM tags, ML image properties and so on, even if formats such as DICOM are written. Properties like the image coordinate system and the voxel size are stored if the file format supports it, however see Force Direction Cosine Write for limitations.
  • For problems with saving the image coordinate system see Force Direction Cosine Write.
  • Many saved file formats do not support image compression. In this case the Use Compression flag is ignored.
  • Many saved file formats do not support an image origin in world coordinates, see Correct Sub Voxel Shift for details, also corresponding notes in itkImageFileReader.
  • Not all voxel types and image dimensions are supported and many file formats as well cannot save many voxel types or file dimensions. Normally (not always) the writer will show error information in the Info field then.
  • Some formats store images in lossy formats. Stored and reloaded images therefore may have different contents though.


Default Panel


Input Fields

At this input the image file to be saved must be connected before saving the file.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Correct Sub Voxel Shift: Bool
File Name: String
Force Direction Cosine Write: Bool
Info: String
Output Voxel Type: Enum
Save: Trigger
True File Name: String
Use Compression: Bool

Visible Fields

True File Name

name: fileName, type: String, persistent: no

This read-only field shows the real file name used to save the file. It is a resolved version of the File Name field which might contain variables.

Use Compression

name: useCompression, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If this flag is enabled and Save is pressed the stored file is compressed if the used file format supports a compressor. In all other cases this flag is normally ignored.

Correct Sub Voxel Shift

name: correctSubVoxelShift, type: Bool, default: TRUE

ITK and ML use different origins for voxel coordinates (at center or at origin of the pixel). This is usually corrected on image data between itk and ML algorithms, however, when saving images this is sometimes not expected, because e.g. an image origin at (0,0,0) is desired. Therefore this correction is disabled by default when writing images. If the correction is wanted then this flag shall can be activated.

Notes and known issues:

  • Only a few file formats honor the information of image origins at all: Currently known are .hdr/.img, .nrrd, and .mhd/.raw. All other formats do not save them at all.
  • If you write data with corrected subvoxel shifts (or not), you may not or may want to correct this when loading the data to get the same MeVisLab world coordinates afterwards.

Force Direction Cosine Write

name: forceDirectionCosineWrite, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If there are non scale and non translational values in the ML world matrix the written direction cosine matrix will be a non id matrix. As far as it is known currently, this is not handled consistently by itk file IO classes, because there is some inconsistent handling in them. Therefore this writer suppresses writing of such files if it is not explicitly enabled by this flag. See the following links for further information:






Output Voxel Type

name: outputVoxelType, type: Enum, default: Automatic

Input voxels are cast to this selected and written output type (even if it causes information loss). The default mode Automatic directly writes the input voxel data without type cast, which is the recommended mode. Note that many writers do not support many voxel formats. Compiled are the following types:

  • Scalar types: 8,16, 32, and 64 bit signed and unsigned integers, float, double
  • Matrix types: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 float and double
  • Floating point vectors: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 32 float and double
  • Quaternions: float and double
  • Complex: float and double
  • Vectors with 8 or 16 bit signed integers: with 2, 3, 4 components
  • Vectors with 32 bit signed integers: with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, and 32 components.


Title Name
Automatic Automatic
int8 int8
unsigned int8 unsigned int8
int16 int16
unsigned int16 unsigned int16
int32 int32
unsigned int32 unsigned int32
float float
double double
int64 int64
unsigned int64 unsigned int64
complexf complexf
complexd complexd
quaternionf quaternionf
quaterniond quaterniond
vecf2 vecf2
vec2 vec2
vecf3 vecf3
vec3 vec3
vecf4 vecf4
vec4 vec4
vecf5 vecf5
vec5 vec5
vecf6 vecf6
vec6 vec6
vecf7 vecf7
vec7 vec7
vecf8 vecf8
vec8 vec8
vecf9 vecf9
vec9 vec9
vecf10 vecf10
vec10 vec10
vecf16 vecf16
vec16 vec16
vecf32 vecf32
vec32 vec32
vecf64 vecf64
vec64 vec64
matf2 matf2
mat2 mat2
matf3 matf3
mat3 mat3
matf4 matf4
mat4 mat4
matf5 matf5
mat5 mat5
matf6 matf6
mat6 mat6
Vector2i8 Vector2i8
Vector2i16 Vector2i16
Vector2i32 Vector2i32
Vector2i64 Vector2i64
Vector3i8 Vector3i8
Vector3i16 Vector3i16
Vector3i32 Vector3i32
Vector3i64 Vector3i64
Vector4i8 Vector4i8
Vector4i16 Vector4i16
Vector4i32 Vector4i32
Vector4i64 Vector4i64
Vector5i8 Vector5i8
Vector5i16 Vector5i16
Vector5i32 Vector5i32
Vector5i64 Vector5i64
Vector6i8 Vector6i8
Vector6i16 Vector6i16
Vector6i32 Vector6i32
Vector6i64 Vector6i64
Vector7i8 Vector7i8
Vector7i16 Vector7i16
Vector7i32 Vector7i32
Vector7i64 Vector7i64
Vector8i8 Vector8i8
Vector8i16 Vector8i16
Vector8i32 Vector8i32
Vector8i64 Vector8i64
Vector9i8 Vector9i8
Vector9i16 Vector9i16
Vector9i32 Vector9i32
Vector9i64 Vector9i64
Vector10i8 Vector10i8
Vector10i16 Vector10i16
Vector10i32 Vector10i32
Vector10i64 Vector10i64
Vector16i8 Vector16i8
Vector16i16 Vector16i16
Vector16i32 Vector16i32
Vector16i64 Vector16i64
Vector32i8 Vector32i8
Vector32i16 Vector32i16
Vector32i32 Vector32i32
Vector32i64 Vector32i64
Vector64i8 Vector64i8
Vector64i16 Vector64i16
Vector64i32 Vector64i32
Vector64i64 Vector64i64


name: save, type: Trigger

If this button is pressed the connected input image is saved in the file specified in the file path given in File Name. The Info field shows whether the store operation was successful or if any error occurred.


name: info, type: String

This is a read-only status field showing information and error information, normally about the recent store operation.

File Name

name: unresolvedFileName, type: String, deprecated name: path

This is the file name parameter which normally should contain the full absolute path to a file with an extension specifying the file format to use.

Note that also variables can be used such as $(NETWORK), $(HOME), and $(DemoDataPath) to specify paths into the current network directory, the user’s home direcory and to the installed example data directory of MeVisLab.