
author Jan Klein
package FMEwork/Release
definition TensorTransformAdapter.def
see also TensorTransform
keywords DTI, tensor, transformation, gradients, registration, world, coordinates


The module this takes a vector or tensor field and rotates the tensors depending on which coordinate frame is used for storing the gradient scheme and depending on the situation whether a registration has already modified the world matrix of the input image.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Vector or tensor field stored in the u-dimension.

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Vector or tensor field stored in the u-dimension where the vectors/tensors are rotated as specified.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Scanner Software Version

name: scannerSoftwareVersion, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the name of the scanner software.

If using Siemens data, the software version VB15 or higher indicates that the gradient scheme is stored in world coordinates.

World Matrix Before Registration

name: worldMatrixBeforeRegistration, type: Matrix, default: 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0

Sets a world matrix before the registration.

This matrix must be set a registration has modified the world matrix AND if the gradients are stored in world coordinates.

Gradients Coordinate Frame

name: gradientsCoordinateFrame, type: Enum, default: world

Defines in which reference frame the gradients are stored in.


Title Name
world coordinates world
voxel coordinates voxel


name: registration, type: Enum, default: noRegistration

Defines whether a registration has already modified the world matrix.


Title Name
registration not applied noRegistration
registration already applied rigidRegistration