
genre View2D
author Christian Rieder
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll SoView2DInfo
definition SoView2DInfo.def
see also SoView2D
inherits from SoView2DExtension
keywords View2D, info, SoView2D, extension, viewport, slice, origin, size


The module SoView2DInfo displays SoView2DExtension informations.


Connect the SoView2DInfo before the SoView2D


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

To be connected before SoView2D

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Viewer Size X

name: viewerSizeX, type: Integer, default: 0

The pixel size of the viewer in X direction.

Viewer Size Y

name: viewerSizeY, type: Integer, default: 0

The pixel size of the viewer in Y direction.

Image Device X

name: imageDeviceX, type: Vector2, default: 0 0

Start and end position of the image in the viewer in X direction.

Image Device Y

name: imageDeviceY, type: Vector2, default: 0 0

Start and end position of the image in the viewer in Y direction.

Voxel Device Corner0

name: voxelDeviceCorner0, type: Vector2, persistent: no

Corner 00 of viewer in voxel space.

Voxel Device Corner1

name: voxelDeviceCorner1, type: Vector2, persistent: no

Corner 11 of viewer in voxel space.

Voxel Device Corner Rect

name: voxelDeviceCornerRect, type: Vector4, persistent: no

Corners of viewer in voxel space (left, top, right, bottom). Same as (voxelDeviceCorner0, voxelDeviceCorner1).

Image Size X

name: imageSizeX, type: Integer, default: 0

Image size X dimension.

Image Size Y

name: imageSizeY, type: Integer, default: 0

Image size Y dimension.

Image Size Z

name: imageSizeZ, type: Integer, default: 0

Image size Z dimension.

Voxel Size X

name: voxelSizeX, type: Double, default: 0

Voxel size X dimension.

Voxel Size Y

name: voxelSizeY, type: Double, default: 0

Voxel size Y dimension.

Voxel Size Z

name: voxelSizeZ, type: Double, default: 0

Voxel size Z dimension.

World To Voxel Matrix

name: worldToVoxelMatrix, type: Matrix, default: 1 0 0 0, 0 1 0 0, 0 0 1 0, 0 0 0 1

The World-To-Voxel-Matrix.

Start Slice

name: startSlice, type: Integer, default: 0

The current start slice that is to be shown. Ranges in 0.. maxSlices

Time Point

name: timePoint, type: Integer, default: 0

The current time point.

Start Slice Origin World Pos

name: startSliceOriginWorldPos, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Origin of the image in world space.

Slice Normal

name: sliceNormal, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

The image normal.

Slice Origin

name: sliceOrigin, type: Vector2, default: 0 0

Sets the upper left corner of the image in voxel which is aligned to the upper left corner of the viewport.

Slice Zoom Synchronized

name: sliceZoomSynchronized, type: Float, default: 1

The zoom factor for all displayed slices.

Hidden Fields


name: interactionProviderID, type: String

see SoView2DExtension.interactionProviderID


name: drawingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.drawingOn


name: editingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.editingOn


name: maskValid, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: fixZOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

see SoView2DExtension.color


name: selectionTolerance, type: Float, default: 4


name: needsValidVoxel, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.needsValidVoxel


name: button1, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.button1


name: button2, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.button2


name: button3, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.button3


name: shift, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.shift


name: control, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.control


name: alt, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.alt


name: wantsAllEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsKeyEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsMouseWheelEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: setEventHandled, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.setEventHandled


name: ignoreHandledEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.ignoreHandledEvents


name: createNewMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.createNewMode


name: createNewModeRequest, type: Trigger

see SoView2DExtension.createNewModeRequest


name: renderOnSlab, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: clipToSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: cursorShape, type: Enum, default: UNDEFINED_CURSOR

see SoView2DExtension.cursorShape