
genre InventorMain
author Christian Schumann
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll SoFilter
definition SoFilter.def
see also SoNodeFilter, SoActionFilter
keywords search, filter, action, key, keyboard


Allows to filter key events based on the key combination.


Specify the key combinations, that should be ignored in Ignore Key Combinations. Events matching one of the substrings will not be forwarded to the child scene.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: child, type: SoNode

Connect the scene graph for which you want to filter events.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Connect to the viewer (or other scene graphs).

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Ignore Key Combinations

name: ignoreKeyCombinations, type: String

String containing line break separated list of key combinations that should be ignored. Components of each combination should be separated by _, starting with modifiers in the order alt, control, shift, e.g x,shift_a,alt_control_b. At the moment, it is not allowed to use ctrl instead of control!

Last Key Combination

name: lastKeyCombination, type: String, persistent: no

Output of last combination in the format that is used to search in ignoreKeyCombinations