MeVisLab Resolution Independence API
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NmlPlatform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context
 CGL2DFontA bridge to the ftgl library that manages font rendering with texture fonts
 CGLContextStackManages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation (NOTE: This is only accessible in the GUI main thread!)
 CStoreCurrentGLContextScopeStores the current GL context and re-activates it when the scope object is deleted
 CTemporaryGLContextScopeCreates a temporary OpenGL context and destroys it when the object goes out of scope
 CGLResourceManagerManages OpenGL resources
 CGLResourceListDynamic list of GLResource objects
 CGLResourceAbstract base class for GLResources
 CGLTextureTexture class
 CGLTexturesTexture class that manages multiple texture ids
 CGLRenderBufferRenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension)
 CGLFrameBufferFrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension)
 CGLBufferManages a generic OpenGL buffer object
 CGLPixelBufferPixelBuffer resource (pixel_buffer_object)
 CGLVertexBufferVertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension)
 CGLSLShaderGLSL Shader resource
 CGLSLVertexShaderGLSL VertexShader resource
 CGLSLFragmentShaderGLSL FragmentShader resource
 CGLSLGeometryShaderGLSL GeometryShader resource
 CGLSLProgramGLSL Program resource
 COpenGLMeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton)
 CTypeInfoStruct to store infos about a type, e.g. about a uniform
 CGPUInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
 CMLSnapshotSnapshot module that outputs the current viewer snapshot as an ML image used internally in the SoRenderArea class
 COffscreenRendererOpenInventor Scenes can be rendered to the OffscreenRender who outputs an MLImage