ML Reference
ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > Class Template Reference

A class that offers a TSubImage with a TSubImageCursor. More...

#include <mlTSubImage.h>

Inheritance diagram for ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >:
ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE > ml::SubImage

Public Member Functions

 TSubImageWithCursor ()
 Default constructor. More...
 TSubImageWithCursor (const TSubImage< DATATYPE > &subImage)
 Constructor with TSubImage. More...
 TSubImageWithCursor (const SubImage &subImage)
 Constructor with SubImage. More...
 TSubImageWithCursor (const TSubImageWithCursor &subImage)
 Constructor with TSubImageWithCursor. More...
TSubImageWithCursoroperator= (const TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &tSubImg)
 Assignment operator to get an identical copy. More...
Positioning and movement of voxel cursor.
void setCursorSubImagePosition (const ImageVector &position)
 Sets cursor to the given position relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
void setCursorSubImagePosition (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
 Sets cursor to the given 3d position (x, y, z) relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
void setCursorImagePosition (const ImageVector &position)
 Sets cursor to the given 6d position relative to the origin of the complete image region. More...
void setCursorImagePosition (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
 Sets cursor to the given 3d position (x, y, z) relative to the origin of the complete image region. More...
void setCursorPosition (const DATATYPE *pointer)
 Sets cursor to the given pointer where pointer is the memory address of the voxel. More...
void moveCursorByOffset (const ImageVector &offset)
 Moves cursor to cursor position + offset. More...
void moveCursorByOffset (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
 Moves cursor to cursor position + (x, y, z). More...
void moveCursorX ()
 Moves cursor forward in x direction. More...
void moveCursorY ()
 Moves cursor forward in y direction. More...
void moveCursorZ ()
 Moves cursor forward in z direction. More...
void moveCursorC ()
 Moves cursor forward in c direction. More...
void moveCursorT ()
 Moves cursor forward in t direction. More...
void moveCursorU ()
 Moves cursor forward in u direction. More...
void reverseMoveCursorX ()
 Moves cursor backward in x direction. More...
void reverseMoveCursorY ()
 Moves cursor backward in y direction. More...
void reverseMoveCursorZ ()
 Moves cursor backward in z direction. More...
void reverseMoveCursorC ()
 Moves cursor backward in c direction. More...
void reverseMoveCursorT ()
 Moves cursor backward in t direction. More...
void reverseMoveCursorU ()
 Moves cursor backward in u direction. More...
Get voxel values at cursor position.
DATATYPE getCursorValue () const
 Returns the voxel value at the cursor position. More...
DATATYPE getCursorValueWithOffset (const ImageVector &offset) const
 Returns the voxel value at (cursor position + offset) More...
DATATYPE getCursorValueWithOffset (MLint dx, MLint dy, MLint dz) const
 Returns voxel value at (cursor position + (dx, dy, dz)) More...
Getting the cursor position as pointer to data.

Returns current cursor pointer (i.e., returns the memory address of the voxel the cursor points to).

DATATYPE * getCursorPointer () const
DATATYPE * getCursorPointerWithOffset (const ImageVector &offset) const
 Returns cursor pointer of voxel given from current cursor shifted by offset. More...
DATATYPE * getCursorPointerWithOffset (MLint dx, MLint dy, MLint dz) const
 Returns cursor pointer of voxel given from current cursor shifted by (dx, dy, dz). More...
Set voxel values at cursor position.
void setCursorValue (DATATYPE value)
 Sets the voxel value at cursor position to value. More...
void setCursorValueWithOffset (const ImageVector &offset, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the voxel value at (cursor position + offset) to value. More...
void setCursorValueWithOffset (MLint dx, MLint dy, MLint dz, DATATYPE value)
 Sets voxel value at (cursor position + (dx, dy,dz)) to value. More...
void setCursorSubImgPos (const ImageVector &p)
void setCursorSubImgPos (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
void setCursorImgPos (const ImageVector &p)
void setCursorImgPos (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
void setCursorPos (const DATATYPE *position)
void moveCursor (const ImageVector &dp)
void moveCursor (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
void moveCursorBX ()
void moveCursorBY ()
void moveCursorBZ ()
void moveCursorBC ()
void moveCursorBT ()
void moveCursorBU ()
DATATYPE getCursorVal () const
DATATYPE getCursorVal (const ImageVector &dp) const
DATATYPE getCursorVal (MLint dx, MLint dy, MLint dz) const
DATATYPE * getCursorPos () const
DATATYPE * getCursorPos (const ImageVector &dp) const
DATATYPE * getCursorPos (MLint dx, MLint dy, MLint dz) const
void setCursorVal (DATATYPE val)
void setCursorVal (const ImageVector &dp, DATATYPE val)
void setCursorVal (MLint dx, MLint dy, MLint dz, DATATYPE val)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >
 TSubImage (const SubImageBox &box, MLDataType dataType, void *data)
 Constructor for an image region with location/extent box, with data type dataType (must fit to DATATYPE!) and the memory address data which hold the image region. More...
 TSubImage ()
 Default constructor to build a typed subimage (with an empty box) from scratch. More...
 TSubImage (const SubImage &subImage)
 Constructor to build a typed subimage from an untyped subImage. More...
 TSubImage (const TSubImage< DATATYPE > &typedSubImage)
 Copy constructor to get an identical copy. More...
 ~TSubImage () override=default
 Virtual destructor to shut up compiler warnings. More...
TSubImageoperator= (const TSubImage< DATATYPE > &typedSubImage)
 Assignment operator to get an identical copy. More...
const DATATYPE * getData () const
 Returns memory address of image region (Overloads method from SubImage) More...
DATATYPE * getData ()
const DATATYPE * getSubImagePointer (const ImageVector &position) const
 Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at the 6d position relative to the begin of the subimage region. More...
DATATYPE * getSubImagePointer (const ImageVector &position)
const DATATYPE * getSubImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x, y, z) relative to the begin of the subimage region. More...
DATATYPE * getSubImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
const DATATYPE * getImagePointer (const ImageVector &position) const
 Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d position position relative to the begin of the complete image region. More...
DATATYPE * getImagePointer (const ImageVector &position)
const DATATYPE * getImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x, y, z) relative to the begin of the complete image region. More...
DATATYPE * getImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z)
ImageVector convertPointerToSubImagePosition (DATATYPE *pointer) const
 Returns 6d voxel coordinates corresponding to the memory address pointer. More...
void convertPointerToSubImagePosition (DATATYPE *pointer, MLint *x, MLint *y, MLint *z) const
 Returns 3d voxel coordinates corresponding to the memory address pointer. More...
ImageVector convertPointerToImagePosition (DATATYPE *pointer) const
 Returns 6d voxel coordinates corresponding to the memory address pointer. More...
void convertPointerToImagePosition (DATATYPE *pointer, MLint *x, MLint *y, MLint *z) const
 Returns 3d voxel coordinates corresponding to the memory address pointer. More...
const DATATYPE & operator[] (const ImageVector &position) const
 Constant reference access to voxel value at the given position. More...
DATATYPE & operator[] (const ImageVector &position)
 Reference access to voxel value at the given position. More...
void setSubImageValue (const ImageVector &position, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the voxel value at the given position to the given value where position is relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
DATATYPE getSubImageValue (const ImageVector &position) const
 Returns voxel value at the given position where position is relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
void setSubImageValue (MLint x, MLint y, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the voxel value at the given position(x, y) to the given value where the position is relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
DATATYPE getSubImageValue (MLint x, MLint y) const
 Returns the voxel value at position (x, y) where the position is relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
void setSubImageValue (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the voxel value at the given position (x, y, z) to the given value where the positionis relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
DATATYPE getSubImageValue (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns the voxel value at the given position (x, y, z) where the position is relative to the origin of the subimage region. More...
void setImageValue (const ImageVector &position, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the 6d voxel at the given position to the given value. More...
DATATYPE getImageValue (const ImageVector &position) const
 Returns the 6d voxel value from the given position. More...
void setImageValue (MLint x, MLint y, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the 2d voxel at the given position (x, y) to the the given value. More...
DATATYPE getImageValue (MLint x, MLint y) const
 Returns the 2d voxel value from the given position (x, y). More...
void setImageValue (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, DATATYPE value)
 Sets the 3d voxel at the given position (x, y, z) to the given value. More...
DATATYPE getImageValue (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns the 3d voxel value from given position (x, y, z). More...
MLint calculateMinMax (DATATYPE &minValue, DATATYPE &maxValue, const SubImageBox *const validBox=nullptr) const
 Scans subimage and determines minimum and maximum values of the region which is part of subimage box and of validBox. More...
template<typename FROM_DATATYPE >
void copySubImageReorderColorPlanesToInterleaved (const TSubImage< FROM_DATATYPE > &typedFromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
 Implements special case for void copySubImageTyped(const TSubImage<FROM_DATATYPE> &typedFromImg, const ScaleShiftData& scaleShiftData) where color planes shall be interleaved instead of in planes. More...
template<typename FROM_DATATYPE >
void copySubImageTyped (const TSubImage< FROM_DATATYPE > &typedFromImg, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
 Copies image data from the subimage fromImg into the overlapping region of this subimage. More...
void fill (DATATYPE value)
 Sets all voxel values in subimage to value. More...
void fillBordersWithValue (const SubImageBox &box, DATATYPE fillValue)
 Fills all regions with fillValue which are not covered by box. More...
void fillInvalidRegionWithValue (DATATYPE value)
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value. More...
void fillInvalidRegionWithBorderValues ()
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the values on the borders of the valid region. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ml::SubImage
const SubImageBoxgetBox () const
 Returns the box describing the origin/extent of the subimage. More...
void setSourceImageExtent (const ImageVector &extent)
 Sets the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage to extent. More...
ImageVector getSourceImageExtent () const
 Returns the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage. More...
SubImageBox getValidRegion () const
 Returns the valid region of the SubImage, which is defined by the intersection of the SubImage::getBox() and the SubImageBox(ImageVector(0), SubImage::getSourceImageExtent()-1). More...
MLint getNumVoxels () const
 Returns number of voxels in (sub)image. More...
MLint getSizeInBytes () const
 Returns number of potential bytes in (sub)image. More...
ImageVector getStride () const
 Returns a stride vector to address the memory efficiently. More...
MLint getOffset (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns the array index offset from the origin (0,0,0,0,0,0) to the voxelPosition. More...
void setDataType (MLDataType dataType)
 Overwrite inherited setDataType method to set type of data to dataType. More...
MLDataType getDataType () const
 Return type of image data. More...
const MLTypeInfosgetDataTypeInfos () const
 Get MLTypeInfos for image data type. More...
MLEXPORT ImageProperties toImageProperties () const
 Converts the Subimage's datatype and extend to an ImageProperties object. More...
MLEXPORT void setFromImageProperties (const ImageProperties &imageProperties)
 Sets the image box and datatype from the imageProperties extent and datatype. More...
void toStream (std::ostream &ostr) const
 SubImage ()
 Constructor: Creates a subimage with no data. More...
 SubImage (const SubImage &si)
 Copy constructor to get identical copy. More...
 SubImage (const SubImageBox &box, MLDataType datatype, void *data=nullptr)
 Constructor for a rectangular 6d image region with position and extent given by box, with data type datatype and memory given by the pointer data. More...
 SubImage (const SubImage &si, const ImageVector &offset)
 Copy constructor to get identical copy. More...
virtual ~SubImage ()=default
 Virtual destructor to suppress compiler warnings. More...
SubImageoperator= (const SubImage &si)
 Assignment operator to get identical copy. More...
void setBox (const SubImageBox &subImageBox)
 Sets a rectangular 6d region of the subimage to subImageBox. More...
void setBox (const ImageVector &imageExtent)
 Sets a rectangular 6d region of the subimage to imageExtent. More...
void translate (const ImageVector &offset)
 Translates the box of the subimage by adding the vector offset. More...
const ImageVectorgetOrigin () const
 Returns the origin of the subimage (which is identical to getBox().v1). More...
void setOrigin (const ImageVector &newOrigin)
 Sets the origin of the subimage (which moves the box of the subimage to newOrigin). More...
ImageVector getExtent () const
 Returns the extent of the subimage (which is identical to getBox().getExtent()). More...
void setExtent (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z=1, MLint c=1, MLint t=1, MLint u=1)
 Sets the extent of the subimage (which also changes the strides) to newExtent. More...
void setExtent (const ImageVector &newExtent)
 Sets the extent of the subimage (which also changes the strides) to newExtent. More...
SubImageBox getBoxFromExtent () const
 Returns size of image as box with origin 0. More...
SubImageBox getBoxFromImageExtent () const
ImageVector getImageExtent () const
void setImageExtent (const ImageVector &newExtent)
void * getSubImagePointer (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d voxelPosition relative to the begin of the subimage region. More...
void * getSubImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x,y,z) relative to the begin of the subimage region. More...
void * getImagePointer (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6d position voxelPosition relative to the begin of the complete image region. More...
void * getImagePointer (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3d position p=(x, y, z) relative to the begin of the complete image region. More...
MLEXPORT void copySubImage (const SubImage &fromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
 Copies image data from the subimage fromImage into the overlapping region of this subimage. More...
MLEXPORT void copySubImage (const SubImage &fromImage)
 Implements special case for void copySubImage(const TSubImage<FROM_DATATYPE> &typedFromImg, const ScaleShiftData& scaleShiftData) where scaleShiftData is default. More...
bool isValidSubImagePosition (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns true if 6d voxelPosition is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if voxelPosition is within (0,0,0,0,0,0) and subimage extents. More...
bool isValidSubImagePosition (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns true if 3d position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if the position is within (0,0,0) and subimage extents. More...
bool isValidImagePosition (const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
 Returns true if 6d voxelPosition is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if voxelPosition is within subImgBox.v1 and subImgBox.v2. More...
bool isValidImagePosition (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
 Returns true if 3d position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within subimage region, i.e., if the position is within subImgBox.v1 and subImgBox.v2. More...
MLEXPORT void allocate (MLMemoryErrorHandling handleFailure)
 Allocate data with MLAlloc(). More...
MLEXPORT void allocateAsMemoryBlockHandle (MLMemoryErrorHandling handleFailure=ML_RETURN_NULL)
 Allocate data using the ML memory manager. For failure handing, see SubImage::allocate(). More...
MLEXPORT void free ()
 Frees data pointed to by getData() with MLFree(). More...
MLEXPORT bool isOneValued () const
 Returns true if all page voxels have the same value or if the page contains only 1 voxel. More...
MLEXPORT MLint calculateMinMax (MLdouble &minValue, MLdouble &maxValue, const SubImageBox *const validBox=nullptr) const
 Scans subimage and determines minimum and maximum values on region which is part of subimage box and of validBox. More...
MLEXPORT void compare (const SubImage &subImage2, bool *regionsMatch, bool *dataTypesMatch, bool *thisBoxIsPartOfRegion2, bool *region2IsPartOfThisBox, bool *overlapHasSameValues, ImageVector *firstMismatchPos) const
 Compare two subimages with respect to their regions and their contents. More...
MLEXPORT void fill (MLdouble value)
 Fills the subimage with a value cast to the data type of the subimage. More...
MLEXPORT void fillWithTypeData (const MLTypeData *value)
 Fills the subimage with a value given as MLTypeData. More...
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithScalarValue (const SubImageBox &box, MLdouble fillValue)
 Fill all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box. More...
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithTypeData (const SubImageBox &box, const MLTypeData *fillValue)
 Fills all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box. More...
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithInputValues (const SubImageBox &box, const SubImage &inputSubImage)
 Fills all regions with values from inputSubImage which are not covered by box, however, only valid regions of inputSubImage are read. More...
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithBorderValues (const SubImageBox &box)
 Each voxel of which is not inside box is filled with the nearest voxel which is inside box. More...
void fillInvalidRegionWithScalarValue (MLdouble value)
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value. More...
void fillInvalidRegionWithTypeData (const MLTypeData *value)
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value. More...
void fillInvalidRegionWithBorderValues ()
 Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the values on the borders of the valid region. More...
MLEXPORT bool isValid () const
 Returns 1(=true) if image region and data is valid. More...
void * getData () const
 Returns the memory address of the memory managed by the subimage. More...
MLEXPORT void setData (void *data)
 Sets data as a new memory block for the subimage. More...
MLEXPORT void setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle (const MLMemoryBlockHandle &data)
 Sets the managed data from a given MLMemoryBlockHandle, the sub image will store this handle and thus reference count the memory managed by the handle as long as the SubImage stays alive. More...
const MLMemoryBlockHandlegetMemoryBlockHandle () const
 Returns the memory block handle that manages the data of this SubImage if it has been set via setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle(). More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >
typedef DATATYPE ComponentType
 A typedef to "export" the type of voxels components. More...
typedef TSubImageCursor< DATATYPE > Cursor
 A read/write cursor. More...
typedef ConstTSubImageCursor< DATATYPE > ConstCursor
 A read-only cursor. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ml::SubImage
static MLEXPORT MLint coordToIndex (MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, MLint c, MLint t, MLint u, const ImageVector &size)
 Converts the coordinate (x, y, z, c, t,u) to an index into an image with 6D extents given by size. More...
static MLEXPORT MLint coordToIndex (const ImageVector &voxelPosition, const ImageVector &size)
 Converts the coordinate voxelPosition into the image with extents size to an index. More...
static MLEXPORT ImageVector indexToCoord (MLint index, const ImageVector &extent)
 Converts an index into an array with extents extent to a coordinate. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ml::SubImage
void _calcFillAreaParams (const SubImageBox &box, const SubImageBox &maxValidInputRegion, ImageVector &boxV1, ImageVector &boxV2, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV1, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV2, MLint &fullLineLenX, MLint &fullLineLenXB, MLint &leftLineStartX, MLint &leftLineLenX, MLint &leftLineLenXB, MLint &rightLineStartX, MLint &rightLineLenX, MLint &rightLineLenXB)
 Helper method to calculate important parameters for page based border filling. More...
void _copySubImageGeneric (const SubImage &fromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
 Generic, non-optimized version of copySubImage. More...
const MLTypeInfos_getDataTypeInfos (MLDataType dt) const
 Get MLTypeInfos for used data types, indicates error if type is not registered. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ml::SubImage
SubImageBox _box
 The box of the subimage. More...
ImageVector _sourceImageExtent
 The extent of the source image, which is used for getValidRegion() More...
void * _data
 Memory chunk managed by this subimage. More...
MLMemoryBlockHandle _memoryBlock
 Memory block used by this subimage. More...
ImageVector _stride
 Stride vector to address the memory efficiently. More...
MLDataType _dataType
 Datatype of the image. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename DATATYPE>
class ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >

A class that offers a TSubImage with a TSubImageCursor.

This class should only be used in legacy code to keep old code working.

Definition at line 1276 of file mlTSubImage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TSubImageWithCursor() [1/4]

template<typename DATATYPE >
ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::TSubImageWithCursor ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 1282 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ TSubImageWithCursor() [2/4]

template<typename DATATYPE >
ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::TSubImageWithCursor ( const TSubImage< DATATYPE > &  subImage)

Constructor with TSubImage.

Definition at line 1286 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ TSubImageWithCursor() [3/4]

template<typename DATATYPE >
ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::TSubImageWithCursor ( const SubImage subImage)

Constructor with SubImage.

Definition at line 1291 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ TSubImageWithCursor() [4/4]

template<typename DATATYPE >
ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::TSubImageWithCursor ( const TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &  subImage)

Constructor with TSubImageWithCursor.

Definition at line 1296 of file mlTSubImage.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCursorPointer()

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE* ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorPointer ( ) const

Definition at line 1380 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorPointerWithOffset() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE* ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorPointerWithOffset ( const ImageVector offset) const

Returns cursor pointer of voxel given from current cursor shifted by offset.

Definition at line 1382 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorPointerWithOffset() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE* ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorPointerWithOffset ( MLint  dx,
MLint  dy,
MLint  dz 
) const

Returns cursor pointer of voxel given from current cursor shifted by (dx, dy, dz).

Definition at line 1384 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorPos() [1/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE* ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorPos ( ) const
Use getCursorPointer() instead.

Definition at line 1466 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorPos() [2/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE* ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorPos ( const ImageVector dp) const
Use getCursorPointerWithOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1469 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorPos() [3/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE* ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorPos ( MLint  dx,
MLint  dy,
MLint  dz 
) const
Use getCursorPointerWithOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1472 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorVal() [1/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorVal ( ) const
Use getCursorValue() instead.

Definition at line 1457 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorVal() [2/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorVal ( const ImageVector dp) const
Use getCursorValueWithOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1460 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorVal() [3/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorVal ( MLint  dx,
MLint  dy,
MLint  dz 
) const
Use getCursorValueWithOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1463 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorValue()

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorValue ( ) const

Returns the voxel value at the cursor position.

Definition at line 1367 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorValueWithOffset() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorValueWithOffset ( const ImageVector offset) const

Returns the voxel value at (cursor position + offset)

Definition at line 1369 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ getCursorValueWithOffset() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
DATATYPE ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::getCursorValueWithOffset ( MLint  dx,
MLint  dy,
MLint  dz 
) const

Returns voxel value at (cursor position + (dx, dy, dz))

Definition at line 1371 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursor() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursor ( const ImageVector dp)
Use moveCursorByOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1433 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursor() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursor ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
Use moveCursorByOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1436 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorBC()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorBC ( )
Use reverseMoveCursorC() instead.

Definition at line 1448 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorBT()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorBT ( )
Use reverseMoveCursorT() instead.

Definition at line 1451 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorBU()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorBU ( )
Use reverseMoveCursorU() instead.

Definition at line 1454 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorBX()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorBX ( )
Use reverseMoveCursorX() instead.

Definition at line 1439 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorBY()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorBY ( )
Use reverseMoveCursorY() instead.

Definition at line 1442 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorByOffset() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorByOffset ( const ImageVector offset)

Moves cursor to cursor position + offset.

Definition at line 1328 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorByOffset() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorByOffset ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 

Moves cursor to cursor position + (x, y, z).

Definition at line 1330 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorBZ()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorBZ ( )
Use reverseMoveCursorZ() instead.

Definition at line 1445 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorC()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorC ( )

Moves cursor forward in c direction.

Definition at line 1338 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorT()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorT ( )

Moves cursor forward in t direction.

Definition at line 1340 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorU()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorU ( )

Moves cursor forward in u direction.

Definition at line 1342 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorX()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorX ( )

Moves cursor forward in x direction.

Definition at line 1332 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorY()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorY ( )

Moves cursor forward in y direction.

Definition at line 1334 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ moveCursorZ()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::moveCursorZ ( )

Moves cursor forward in z direction.

Definition at line 1336 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ operator=()

template<typename DATATYPE >
TSubImageWithCursor& ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::operator= ( const TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &  tSubImg)

Assignment operator to get an identical copy.

Note that only the pointer to the data is copied, and NOT the data itself.

Definition at line 1302 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ reverseMoveCursorC()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::reverseMoveCursorC ( )

Moves cursor backward in c direction.

Definition at line 1350 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ reverseMoveCursorT()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::reverseMoveCursorT ( )

Moves cursor backward in t direction.

Definition at line 1352 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ reverseMoveCursorU()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::reverseMoveCursorU ( )

Moves cursor backward in u direction.

Definition at line 1354 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ reverseMoveCursorX()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::reverseMoveCursorX ( )

Moves cursor backward in x direction.

Definition at line 1344 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ reverseMoveCursorY()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::reverseMoveCursorY ( )

Moves cursor backward in y direction.

Definition at line 1346 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ reverseMoveCursorZ()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::reverseMoveCursorZ ( )

Moves cursor backward in z direction.

Definition at line 1348 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorImagePosition() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorImagePosition ( const ImageVector position)

Sets cursor to the given 6d position relative to the origin of the complete image region.

I.e., the position p=getBox.v1() is considered the origin of the subimage region.

Definition at line 1321 of file mlTSubImage.h.


◆ setCursorImagePosition() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorImagePosition ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 

Sets cursor to the given 3d position (x, y, z) relative to the origin of the complete image region.

I.e., the position p=getBox.v1() is considered the origin of the subimage region.

Definition at line 1324 of file mlTSubImage.h.


◆ setCursorImgPos() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorImgPos ( const ImageVector p)
Use setCursorImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 1424 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorImgPos() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorImgPos ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
Use setCursorImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 1427 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorPos()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorPos ( const DATATYPE *  position)
Use setCursorPosition() instead.

Definition at line 1430 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorPosition()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorPosition ( const DATATYPE *  pointer)

Sets cursor to the given pointer where pointer is the memory address of the voxel.

Definition at line 1326 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorSubImagePosition() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorSubImagePosition ( const ImageVector position)

Sets cursor to the given position relative to the origin of the subimage region.

I.e., the position (0,0,0,0,0,0) is considered the origin of the subimage.

Definition at line 1315 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorSubImagePosition() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorSubImagePosition ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 

Sets cursor to the given 3d position (x, y, z) relative to the origin of the subimage region.

I.e., the position (0,0,0,0,0,0) is considered the origin of the subimage.

Definition at line 1318 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorSubImgPos() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorSubImgPos ( const ImageVector p)
Use setCursorSubImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 1418 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorSubImgPos() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorSubImgPos ( MLint  x,
MLint  y,
MLint  z 
Use setCursorSubImagePosition() instead.

Definition at line 1421 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorVal() [1/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorVal ( const ImageVector dp,
Use setCursorValueWithOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1478 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorVal() [2/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorVal ( DATATYPE  val)
Use setCursorValue() instead.

Definition at line 1475 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorVal() [3/3]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorVal ( MLint  dx,
MLint  dy,
MLint  dz,
Use setCursorValueWithOffset() instead.

Definition at line 1481 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorValue()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorValue ( DATATYPE  value)

Sets the voxel value at cursor position to value.

Definition at line 1396 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorValueWithOffset() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorValueWithOffset ( const ImageVector offset,
DATATYPE  value 

Sets the voxel value at (cursor position + offset) to value.

Definition at line 1398 of file mlTSubImage.h.

◆ setCursorValueWithOffset() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
void ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorValueWithOffset ( MLint  dx,
MLint  dy,
MLint  dz,
DATATYPE  value 

Sets voxel value at (cursor position + (dx, dy,dz)) to value.

Definition at line 1400 of file mlTSubImage.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: