4.3. Concepts for Partially Global Image Processing

4.3.1. Random Access Concept (Tile Requesting)

There are different ways to implement algorithms that need random image access.

One way is to use the "explicit image data request" concept to request arbitrary tiles from the input image and to manage them as data chunks This is often useful when explicit data needs to be passed to function calls or direct pointer access is needed. See Section 3.1.12, “Explicit Image Data Requests from Module Inputs” for more information.

Another way is to use the "virtual volume" concept. This concept is especially useful for accessing very large images where no direct pointer or memory access and set/getValue methods are sufficient. See Section 4.3.3, “VirtualVolume Concept” for more information and Section 2.3.7, “ VirtualVolume for examples.

Figure 4.4. Random Access Concept

Random Access Concept

4.3.2. Sequential Image Processing Concept

There are different approaches to processing one or more input images sequentially. In order to process very large images that may not fit into memory, it is crucial to perform the processes step by step. Some algorithms can simply do this page-wise, and other algorithms need random access.

The most common approach is to use the processAllPages command available as a function in the class Module to force the processing of all pages via calculateOutputSubImage() calls. This concept is discussed in detail in Section 3.1.17, “Processing Input Images Sequentially” and is very similar to the implementation of a normal page-based module. The example calculates a masked average of all image voxels in a page-based manner.

The "virtual volume" concept is another concept often used. This concept provides random access to the managed image. Then it is easy to implement a normal loop to traverse all voxels or to use the moveCursorXWrapAround() function on a typed virtual volume to move a cursor over each voxel of the image, comparable to an iterator. See Section 4.3.3, “VirtualVolume Concept” for more information and Section 2.3.7, “ VirtualVolume for examples.

4.3.3. VirtualVolume Concept

The VirtualVolume and the TVirtualVolume classes manage an efficient voxel access to the output image of an input module or to a 'standalone' image. See Section 2.3.7, “ VirtualVolume for example code.

So it is possible to implement random access to a paged input image or to a pure virtual image without mapping more than a limited number of bytes. Pages of the input volume are mapped temporarily into memory when needed. If no input volume is specified, the pages are created and filled with a fill value. When the permitted memory size is exceeded, older mapped pages are removed. When pages are written, they are mapped until the virtual volume instance is removed or until they are explicitly cleared by the application. Virtual volumes can easily be accessed by using setVoxel and getValue. These kind of accesses are well-optimized code that might need between 9 (1D), 18 (3D) and 36 (6D) instructions per voxel if the page at the position is already mapped.

A cursor manager for moving the cursor with moveCursor* (forward) and reverseMoveCursor* (backward) is also available. About 5-9 instructions might be executed for these move methods. setCursorValue and getCursorValue provide voxel access. Good compilers and already mapped images might require about 5-7 instructions. So the cursor approach will probably be faster for data volumes with more than two dimensions.

All the virtual volume access calls can be executed with or without error handling (see last and default parameter of constructors). If areExceptionsOn is true, every access to the virtual volume is tested and if necessary, exceptions are thrown which can be caught by the code calling the virtual volume methods. Otherwise, most functions do not perform error handling.


Exception handling versions are slower than versions with disabled exceptions. However, this is the only way to handle accesses safely.


This class is the recommended alternative for global image processing algorithms to using an actual global image (MemoryImage).