
The module WeightMatrixByGrid calculates an affinity matrix from a fiber set using the fiber-grid method proposed in the paper Grid-Based Spectral Fiber Clustering.


There are two natural ways to define an affinity matrix:

  1. weight matrix: A high value of the element ij corresponds to a high affinity between i and j.
  2. distance matrix: A high value of the element ij corresponds to a low affinity between i and j.

Each object of the class Matrix has a tag indicating the type of the matrix (e.g. distanceMatrix or weightMatrix).

The module ClusteringAlgorithms checks those tags and converts the type of a matrix if necessary.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputFiberSet, type: MLBase

A FiberSet.

Output Fields


name: outMatrix, type: MLBase

Affinity matrix as a normalized weight matrix.


name: outCurve, type: MLBase