
genre DTIOther
authors Olaf Konrad, Mathias Schlüter
package FMEwork/Release
definition MLDTI.def
see also DiffusionTensorAnalysis
keywords DTI, tensor, fiber, tracking, test, pattern


The module TensorTestPattern creates simple DTI image with phantom data.


The output pattern is generally made of ‘tissue’ and ‘background’ tensors.

The eigenvalues of these two kinds of tensors may be adjusted via the Tensor Ext. parameters. One may adjust the outer and inner radius parameters of the pattern modes. Tissue tensors will fill the space which has a distance to the center greater than inner radius and smaller than outer radius.

If the pattern mode is set to ‘helical’ one may additionally specify the amplitude and frequency of the helix.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image


name: input1, type: Image

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Apply: Trigger Outer Radius: Double X Frequency: Double
Auto apply: Bool Output Mode: Enum Y (imageExtY): Integer
Backgr.X: Double Pattern Mode: Enum Y (pageExtY): Integer
Backgr.Y: Double T (imageExtT): Integer Y (voxelExtY): Double
Backgr.Z: Double T (pageExtT): Integer Y Amplitude: Double
C (imageExtC): Integer U (imageExtU): Integer Y Frequency: Double
C (pageExtC): Integer U (pageExtU): Integer Z (imageExtZ): Integer
Inner Radius: Double X (imageExtX): Integer Z (pageExtZ): Integer
Main X: Double X (pageExtX): Integer Z (voxelExtZ): Double
Main Y: Double X (voxelExtX): Double  
Main Z: Double X Amplitude: Double  

Visible Fields

X (imageExtX)

name: imageExtX, type: Integer, default: 64

Sets the output image extent in x-direction.

Y (imageExtY)

name: imageExtY, type: Integer, default: 64

Sets the output image extent in y-direction.

Z (imageExtZ)

name: imageExtZ, type: Integer, default: 16

Sets the output image extent in z-direction.

C (imageExtC)

name: imageExtC, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the output image extent in c-direction.

T (imageExtT)

name: imageExtT, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the output image extent in t-direction.

U (imageExtU)

name: imageExtU, type: Integer, default: 9

Sets the output image extent in u-direction.

X (pageExtX)

name: pageExtX, type: Integer, default: 16

Sets the output image’s page extent in x-direction.

Y (pageExtY)

name: pageExtY, type: Integer, default: 16

Sets the output image’s page extent in y-direction.

Z (pageExtZ)

name: pageExtZ, type: Integer, default: 16

Sets the output image’s page extent in z-direction.

C (pageExtC)

name: pageExtC, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the output image’s page extent in c-direction.

T (pageExtT)

name: pageExtT, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the output image’s page extent in t-direction.

U (pageExtU)

name: pageExtU, type: Integer, default: 9

Sets the output image’s page extent in u-direction.

X (voxelExtX)

name: voxelExtX, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the output image’s voxel extent in x-direction in mm.

Y (voxelExtY)

name: voxelExtY, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the output image’s voxel extent in y-direction in mm.

Z (voxelExtZ)

name: voxelExtZ, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the output image’s voxel extent in z-direction in mm.

Main X

name: mainExtX, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: -1, maximum: 1

Sets the main extent of a generated tensor in x-direction.

Main Y

name: mainExtY, type: Double, default: 0.5, minimum: -1, maximum: 1

Sets the main extent of a generated tensor in y-direction.

Main Z

name: mainExtZ, type: Double, default: 0.5, minimum: -1, maximum: 1

Sets the main extent of a generated tensor in z-direction.

Outer Radius

name: outerRadius, type: Double, default: 28

Sets the outer radius of the phantom structure.

Inner Radius

name: innerRadius, type: Double, default: 0

Sets the inner radius of the phantom structure.

X Frequency

name: xFrequency, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the x-frequency for a helical phantom.

Y Frequency

name: yFrequency, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the y-frequency for a helical phantom.

X Amplitude

name: xAmplitude, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the x-amplitude for a helical phantom.

Y Amplitude

name: yAmplitude, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the y-amplitude for a helical phantom.


name: xBackground, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the extent of the generated background tensor in x-direction.


name: yBackground, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the extent of the generated background tensor in y-direction.


name: zBackground, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the extent of the generated background tensor in z-direction.

Pattern Mode

name: patternMode, type: Enum, default: CylindricCentrical

Defines the generated phantom structure.


Title Name
Cylindric Centrical CylindricCentrical
Cylindric Longitudinal CylindricLongitudinal
Cylindric Radial CylindricRadial
Helical Helical
Sphere Sphere
Cylindric Longitudinal Input CylindricLongitudinalInput

Output Mode

name: outputMode, type: Enum, default: Eigenvectors

Defines the output mode.


Title Name
Eigenvectors Eigenvectors
Tensormatrix Tensormatrix


name: apply, type: Trigger

If pressed, a new phantom image is generated.

Auto apply

name: autoApply, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, a new phantom image is generated on changing any parameter on the GUI.