
The module PythonToCppTileProcessorBridge allows to connect python-based TileProcessors and TileProcessorProperties to ProcessTiles or ApplyTileProcessorPageWise.


Connect a TileProcessor and a (proposed) TileProcessorProperties object to its inputs, combine its outputs using a AddTileProcessorProperties module, and connect its output to ProcessTiles, ApplyTileProcessorPageWise or ApplyTileProcessor


The module is responsible for converting c++ calls made by modules such as ProcessTiles or ApplyTileProcessorPageWise on the wrapper object provided at outCppTileProcessor into python calls on the python processor at inPyTileProcessor, and converting data back and forth. It also converts python TileProcessorProperties from inPyTileProcessorProperties to their C++ equivalent.


  • Usually the module is not used on “top level” as it can easily be added to the actual python processor’s wrapper module, if existing (e.g. see module ExamplePythonTileProcessor, which therefore also has an outCppTileProcessor field)
  • The py/c++ conversion is quite slow, so it actually only makes sense if the tile processing itself is computationally expensive.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inPyTileProcessor, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inPyTileClassifier

Python tile processor as defined in mlab_projects.TileProcessing.PythonTileProcessing.TileProcessor. See ExamplePythonTileProcessor for an example.


name: inPyTileProcessorProperties, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inPyTileProperties,inPyTilePropertiesSource

Python TileProcessorProperties object to be converted to a C++ TileProcessorPropertiesSource (which does not copy the properties, but references the python ones).

Output Fields


name: outCppTileProcessor, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outCppTileClassifier

C++ wrapper for the python tile processor connected at the input.


name: outCppTileProcessorProperties, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outCppTileProperties

C++ TileProcessorPropertiesSource (which does not copy the python properties, but references them).

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Hidden Fields


name: inPyTileProcessorTouched, type: Trigger

Only internally used


name: inPyTileProcessorPropertiesTouched, type: Trigger, deprecated name: inPyTilePropertiesTouched

Only internally used