genre PCLIO
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/PCL
definition MLPCLIO.def
see also PCLSave, ImageLoad, MLImageFormatLoad, WEMLoad
inherits from PCLModule
keywords points, clouds, PCL, import, load, read


This module loads a point cloud from a given file into memory and provides it at the output connector. The type of the point cloud can be selected and whether the file shall be loaded automatically or not. See pcl::PCDReader, pcl::PLYReader and pcl::ASCIIReader for details.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: outputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

The connector where the created point cloud is provided to other modules. This module does not set up any indices in the output base object.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Auto Load: Bool Success: Bool
Full File Path: String  
Load: Trigger  
Load Raw ASCII: Bool  
Output Point Cloud Type: Enum  
Raw ASCIIFile Extension: String  
Raw ASCIIFile Point Fields: String  
Status: String  

For additional parameter information see pcl::PCDReader and pcl::PLYReader.

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

Full File Path

name: fullFilePath, type: String

The absolute file path from which the point cloud shall be loaded. It must end with a suffix recognized by the loader. Currently “.ply” and “.pcd” are supported or, if Load Raw ASCII is on, the suffix specified in Raw ASCIIFile Extension.

Output Point Cloud Type

name: outputPointCloudType, type: Enum, default: ML_PCL_POINT_XYZ

Output Point Cloud Type is a selector for the desired type of the load point cloud. All supported types in the MeVisLab PCL binding are shown.

Load Raw ASCII

name: loadRawASCII, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If Load Raw ASCII is off then PLY and PCD files can be loaded; if Load Raw ASCII is on then raw ASCII files can be loaded if the format of point data fields in Raw ASCIIFile Point Fields explicitly describes the format of point lines and the file. The file extension has to be set correctly in Raw ASCIIFile Extension. Then the file is read line by line and its ASCII values are converted to points. For the format and other requirements of point data in the file see Raw ASCIIFile Point Fields.

Raw ASCIIFile Extension

name: rawASCIIFileExtension, type: String, default: .txt

The extension of the file to be loaded if Load Raw ASCII is on.

Raw ASCIIFile Point Fields

name: rawASCIIFilePointFields, type: String, default: x y z normal_x normal_y normal_z intensity

Describes the format of any point line in the file to be read if Load Raw ASCII is on. As separator characters for points spaces, comma, horizontal tabs and carriage return are accepted. Point field values which are not in the stored file will be left on its default value. Each lines in the read file will be associated to a created point as long as it is not marked with a preceeding #. Files with a non matching number of fields are not read, and their corresponding points are left on default values.

Read as uint32-values:

  • label
  • rgba

Read as uint8-values:

  • r
  • g
  • b
  • a
  • boundary_point

All other members are read as float and are named as the corresponding fields of pcl points. As a hint have a look at PCLInfo.pointStructure. If you need to skip a parameter then specify a name which does not appear as point member, for example dummy or so.

Auto Load

name: autoLoad, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then a file load is tried whenever the file name if not empty and the Full File Path changes; if disabled then Load must be triggered to perform loading.


name: load, type: Trigger

Performs the actual file load operation.


name: fileIOHasSucceeded, type: Bool, persistent: no

This flag is reset to false on any parameter change, only after a successful load operation it is set to true. It can be used to check whether the lastmost load operation has been completed successfully.