Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object.
Base object class BaseList which stores a list of BaseContainerItem entries.
Class representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() an...
Field to encapsulate a boolean value.
Engine module decomposing a BaseList into one base object and a so-called rest list.
BoolField * useNameFld
Identify by name.
IntField * outPosFld
Position in Global List of the item that is outputted.
BoolField * objectValidFld
indicates that the object found is valid (contained base object != NULL)
BoolField * useTypeFld
Identify by type.
~DecomposeBaseList() override
IntField * inputSizeFld
size (noElements) of the input list.
void handleNotification(Field *field) override
handle field changes
BoolField * objectFoundFld
indicates if an object matching the selected criteria has been found.
BaseField * inputBaseListFld
Base input:
BoolField * inputValidFld
input is a valid BaseList?
void decomposeBaseList()
Compose the input objects to an output BaseList object:
IntField * posFld
Position in list filtered by id (when useId is checked) and name (when useName is checked).
IntField * noItemsFoundFld
shows how many objects matched the filter criteria (id, name, type).
BaseList * _outputRestList
Composed rest list:
BaseField * outputObjectFld
Base output 0: first item as base object.
StringField * typeFld
Object type to be found.
StringField * nameFld
Object name to be found.
Base * _outputObject
Extracted object.
BoolField * useIdFld
Identify by id.
IntField * idFld
id to be found.
BaseField * outputRestListFld
Base output 1: rest of list.
void activateAttachments() override
calls handleNotification once after the module is loaded on the network and all field values are assi...
Base class for all ML Engines which are derived from Module, which have no inputs or outputs and whic...
Base class for all fields used in the ML.
Field to encapsulate an integer value.
Field to encapsulate a string value.
#define ML_MODULE_CLASS_HEADER(className)
Like ML_CLASS_HEADER for the usage of derived classes from Module.
defined Header file mlBaseInit.h
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.