MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
View2DFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for View2DFont, including all inherited members.

ALIGN_CENTER enum valueView2DFont
ALIGN_LEFT enum valueView2DFont
ALIGN_RIGHT enum valueView2DFont
AlignXMode enum nameView2DFont
createFont(const char *fontname=nullptr)View2DFontstatic
drawString(float dx, float dy, float fontSize, const float *color, const char *string, int length, bool shadow=true, const float *shadowColor=nullptr, bool flipped=false)=0View2DFontpure virtual
drawStringFlipped(float dx, float dy, float fontSize, const float *color, const char *string, int length, bool shadow=true, const float *shadowColor=nullptr)View2DFontinline
drawText(float dx, float dy, float fontSize, const float *color, const char *text, AlignXMode mode, bool shadow=true, float lineSpacing=0.0f, const float *shadowColor=nullptr)View2DFontvirtual
getFontAscender(float fontSize) const =0View2DFontpure virtual
getFontDescender(float fontSize) const =0View2DFontpure virtual
getFontHeight(float fontSize) const =0View2DFontpure virtual
getStringWidth(float fontSize, const char *string, int len) const =0View2DFontpure virtual
getTextSize(float fontSize, const char *text, int &width, int &height, float lineSpacing=0.0f) constView2DFontvirtual
init(const char *fontname=nullptr)=0View2DFontpure virtual