22 #pragma warning (push)
23 #pragma warning (disable : 4251)
48 typedef boost::shared_ptr<Reader>
110 #pragma warning (pop)
Const_DictPtr dict() const
access the Dict
static Const_ReaderPtr prototype()
the current concrete prototype
static ReaderPtr create(const Const_DictPtr &dictArg)
abstract factory create method
Reader(Const_DictPtr dictArg)
ctor - needs a DCMTree::Dict implementation
static ReaderPtr create(const Const_ReaderPtr &prototype, const Const_DictPtr &dictArg)
abstract factory create method for specified prototype; used for implemeting DCMTreeSyngo::Reader
virtual MessagePtr read(const Const_IOParameterPtr ¶meter)=0
read a DCMTree::Tree from the file with the given name up to the given tag must be implemented by sub...
virtual ReaderPtr createConcrete(const Const_DictPtr &dictArg) const =0
concrete factory create method of the implementing prototype, called by the abstract one
ctor - without parameter for prototype
static void setPrototype(Const_ReaderPtr prototype)
The concrete prototype is set by the implementing DLL.
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.
class to dump a DCMTree dicom message into a human readable file this class could be used as a starte...
boost::shared_ptr< Message > MessagePtr
boost::shared_ptr< const Reader > Const_ReaderPtr
boost::shared_ptr< const Dict > Const_DictPtr
boost::shared_ptr< const IOParameter > Const_IOParameterPtr
boost::shared_ptr< Reader > ReaderPtr
a shared-pointer to DCMTree::Reader