(!) 03.01: Use spaces instead of tab characters for indentation. The recommendation is two space characters for each level of indentation (four for Python code).
(!) 03.02: Comment your code using Doxygen-style formatting. Read the Doxygen documentation.
(!) 03.03: Provide appropriate error handling.
(!) 03.04: Use speaking and consistent variable names and other identifiers.
(!) 03.05: Enclose code blocks in braces after all flow control statements, even in one-line constructs.
(+) 03.06: Discuss your design decisions with other developers in an early stage of your project.
(+) 03.07: Keep methods and functions overseeable. Split long code segments into functions, use refactoring for "spaghetti code".
(+) 03.08: Put concatenated boolean expressions in parentheses.
(+) 03.10: Avoid long lines. 80-100 characters for a line of code should be enough. Split longer lines into several statements or split them up into several lines using one level of indentation.
(+) 03.11: Avoid redundancy in class data storage as far as possible.
(+) 03.12: Use "return" only at the end of methods or functions in order to gain a better control of resource management.
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