In the menu bar, the following entries are provided.
In the File menu, New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Revert To Saved, Recent Files, Project, Recent Projects, Project Workspace, Recent Project Workspaces, Close Project Workspace, Session, Recent Session, and Quit are available.
In the Edit menu, Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste are available. In addition to these standards, a number of options for searching and code formatting are available. In the search, regular expressions may be used.
Find: Opens a Find dialog where you can enter a search term.
Find Next: Finds the next entry, search direction down.
Find Previous: Finds the previous entry, search direction up.
Find and Replace: Opens a Find and Replace dialog. Enter the old and the new term.
Find Incremental: Opens an independent search bar at the bottom of the MATE screen and starts searching immediately while the term is entered.
Use Selection for Find: Uses only the currently selected text portion as input for the Find dialog.
Auto Indent Selection: Arranges the selection according to indentation per level. Alternatively, TAB may be used.
Shift Left Selection: Shifts the selection to the left.
Shift Right Selection: Shifts the selection to the right.
Comment Selection: Comments the selection (available for Python, MDL, and JavaScript).
Uncomment Selection: Uncomments the selection (available for Python, MDL, and JavaScript).
Go Back: Jumps to the last cursor position.
Go Forward: Jumps to the next cursor position.
Go To Line...: Opens a dialog to enter a line number in the currently active document to set the cursor to.
Preferences: Opens the preferences for the MATE editor, see Section 27.7, “Preferences”.
In the View menu, select the user interface areas for display: Attached Module toolbar, Outline area, Project Workspace area, Session area, Debug Output area, the search functions Search in Documentation area, Find Results area, Find toolbar, the Python debugging options Stack Frames area, Variables area, Watches area, Evaluate Expression area, Breakpoints area, Debugging toolbar, and the GUI editor options Preview area, Tag Editor area, MDL Controls area, and the Fields area.
In the Window menu, the files in the Edit area can be closed and selected: Close, Close All (you will be asked if you want to save changes).
In the Debug menu, debug options are available, see Section 27.8, “Python Debugger”.
In the Extras menu, the following options are available:
Attached Module: see Section 27.4, “Module Menu”.
Enable GUI Editor: see Section 27.12, “GUI Editor”.
Open File In External Editor: Opens file in the default editor (this may be set in Section 4.3.4, “Preferences — Supportive Programs”).
Open All Files In External Editor: Opens all files in the default editor (this may be set in Section 4.3.4, “Preferences — Supportive Programs”).
Show Enclosing Folder: Opens the folder containing the currently active document.
Show Regular Expression Dialog: Shows a dialog where the user can test regular expressions with own sample texts.
Show MATE Scripting Console: Opens the MATE scripting console, see Section 27.13, “Scripting”.
Edit MATE Startup Scripting File: Opens the MATE startup scripting file for editing, see Section 27.13, “Scripting”.
SVN: Contains a submenu with subversion commands that are applied to the currently open file. This requires an SVN command-line executable to be available in the PATH environment variable.
String Tools: Contains a submenu with assorted string manipulation tools. The scope of these operations usually is the selected text.
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