Chapter 15. Output Inspector

The Output Inspector displays the output of module connectors. Compared to defined view modules (e.g., View2D, View3D), the Output Inspector allows for a quick check of any inputs/outputs in the network by simply clicking on them.

Output inspectors are based on inspector modules. They can be found with Quick Search. The following inspectors are available:

Figure 15.1. ML Image Inspector

ML Image Inspector

Many, but not all inspectors have different views on the data:

Figure 15.2. ML Image Inspector: 3D View

ML Image Inspector: 3D View

Some inspectors provide more detailed information by clicking on the triangle symbol in the upper right-hand corner:

Figure 15.3. ML Image Inspector: Detailed Information

ML Image Inspector: Detailed Information

Which Output Inspector is used for each object type is defined in the OutputInspectors.def file in the MeVisLab IDE package. It is possible to develop new inspectors and add them to this definition file.