4.12. Help Menu

Offers important information and links around MeVisLab.

Figure 4.35. Help Menu

Help Menu

4.12.1. (Search in documentation and menu entries)

The input field in the help menu does an immediate search in all menu entries and the documentation of MeVisLab, see Chapter 23, Search in Documentation.

4.12.2. Show Help Overview

Opens a HTML file with an overview over all MeVisLab help resources in the default browser.

4.12.3. Browse Help Pages

Allows browsing and opening a specific help page directly in the default browser.

4.12.4. Welcome

Opens the Welcome screen which is displayed when first starting MeVisLab. It offers a plethora of links to tutorials, documentation, demos, user forums, recently opened networks, latest information about MeVisLab, and a “Tips + Tricks” section.

Toggle the option Don't show this at MeVisLab launch to have this window displayed at start-up or not.

4.12.5. About

Displays a window with information about the installed version and license, involved developers, and license information about all built-in technologies.

4.12.6. Enter License

Opens a file browser to select a license file (.dat). Depends on your MeVisLab distribution (free, basic, SDK, etc.), see installation guide.