
genre FiberClustering
author Jan Klein
package FMEwork/Release
definition WrapFiberSet.def
see also ColorizeFiberSet, SoFiberVis
keywords DTI, fiber, clustering, wrap, isosurface


The module WrapFiberSet wraps the incoming fiber set or fiber set container by an envelope of a user-defined distance to the fibers. The output is either a WEM iso-surface or a voxelized ML image.


Use as inputs a fiber bundle and an input image which covers the bundle. The finer the resolution of the input image, the smaller the thickness of the envelope can be chosen.


The larger the Thickness, the larger must be the extent of the input image so that the margin around the fibers is calculated correctly.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Image with an extent so that incoming fiber set is completely covered. The image values are of no interest.


name: baseIn0, type: MLBase

FiberSetContainer or FiberSet.

Output Fields


name: baseOut0, type: SoNode

A WEM iso-surface.


name: ouput0, type: Image

An ML image with the voxelized fiber bundle

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Alpha: Float
Apply: Trigger
Color: Color
On fiber change: Bool
On ML image change: Bool
On parameter change: Bool
Thickness: Float

Visible Fields


name: alpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value of the output WEM.


name: color, type: Color, default: 0.792156994342804 0.792156994342804 0.792156994342804

Sets the color of the output WEM.


name: thickness, type: Float, default: 3

Sets the distance in mm of the iso-surface from the fibers.

On ML image change

name: autoUpdateMLImage, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module computes anew on changes of the input ML image.

On fiber change

name: autoUpdateInvScene, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module computes anew on changes of the input fiber set.

On parameter change

name: autoUpdateParameter, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module computes anew on any parameter change.


name: apply, type: Trigger

If pressed, the module computes anew.