
genre InventorMain
author Christian Schumann
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll SoFilter
definition SoFilter.def
see also SoNodeFilter


This group node only has the task to serve as more secure search target for the SoNodeFilter. SoNodeFilter can search for names of all kind of node. But node names might be changed accidentally and therefore search results might be changed unintended. SoIdentifier can be used instead of SoGroup, SoSeparator or SoToggle in order to make clear, that the name should not be changed.


Simply use it instead of other group nodes and add the graph that you want to be visible for searches as a child. Connected self such that it has a connection to the SoNodeFilter.


Changing the instanceName is possible in the GUI and there is a hint that a change might break searches.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: child, type: SoNode

The graph that you want to be visible for searches.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Connect such that a path exists from the SoNodeFilter.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Instance Name

name: instanceName, type: String, default: SoIdentifier

This is the name, that SoNodeFilter might search for. Only change it if you know what you are doing!


name: editInstanceName, type: Bool, persistent: no

If true, the Instance Name can be edited