
author Daniel Romberg
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLAsynchronousIO
definition MLAsynchronousIO.def
keywords asio, asynchronous, pipeline, example


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inExecutionPolicyFactory, type: MLBase

A factory for the execution policy that should be used for processing


name: inFirstInteger, type: MLBase


name: inSecondInteger, type: MLBase


name: inProcessable, type: MLBase

The processable that is used for turning the inputs into a result

Output Fields


name: outInteger, type: MLBase

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

First Integer Should Trigger Processing

name: inFirstIntegerShouldTrigger, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Processing Should Invalidate First Integer

name: inFirstIntegerShouldBeInvalidated, type: Bool, default: FALSE

First Integer Observable Is Valid (outFirstIntegerIsValid)

name: outFirstIntegerIsValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Second Integer Should Trigger Processing

name: inSecondIntegerShouldTrigger, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Processing Should Invalidate Second Integer

name: inSecondIntegerShouldBeInvalidated, type: Bool, default: FALSE

First Integer Observable Is Valid (outSecondIntegerIsValid)

name: outSecondIntegerIsValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Skip processing during calculation (avoids accumulation)

name: inSkipProcessingUntilOutputHasBeenEmitted, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled further triggering of processing is skipped during an ongoing execution

Valid Execution Policy

name: outExecutionPolicyFactoryIsValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates whether the given execution policy factory is valid

Valid Processable

name: outProcessableIsValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates whether the given processable is valid