
The CurveInfo modules shows the properties of a CurveList and the contained CurveData object, or simply of a CurveData object.


Connect a valid curve list or curve data object to the module. In case of connecting a CurveList object, select the index of the curve you want to get information from. Touch “update” if automatic update is not enabled.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inCurveObject, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inCurve,inCurveList

Curve object (CurveData or CurveList) to get information from.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

[]: Trigger Number of curves: Integer Symbol: String
Automatically generated X data: Bool Number of points: Integer Title: String
Clear: Trigger Number of series: Integer Type: Integer
Has Valid Output: Bool On Input Change Behavior: Enum Unit: String
Maximum X value: Double Select curve index: Integer Update: Trigger
Maximum Y value: Double Status Code: Enum  
Minimum X value: Double Status Message: String  
Minimum Y value: Double Style: Integer  

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger

Initiates update of all output field values.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears all output field values to a clean initial state.

On Input Change Behavior

name: onInputChangeBehavior, type: Enum, default: Clear, deprecated name: shouldUpdateAutomatically,shouldAutoUpdate,inShouldAutoUpdate

Declares how the module should react if a value of an input field changes.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Update Update TRUE
Clear Clear FALSE

Status Code

name: statusCode, type: Enum, persistent: no, deprecated name: outStatusCode

Reflects module’s status (successful or failed computations) as one of some predefined enumeration values.


Title Name
Ok Ok
Invalid input object Invalid input object
Invalid input parameter Invalid input parameter
Internal error Internal error

Status Message

name: statusMessage, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: status,outStatusMessage

Gives additional, detailed information about status code as human-readable message.

Has Valid Output

name: hasValidOutput, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: outHasValidResults

Indicates validity of output field values (success of computation).


name: updateDone, type: Trigger, persistent: no

Notifies that an update was performed (Check status interface fields to identify success or failure).

Select curve index

name: inCurveIndex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, deprecated name: inCurrentCurveIndex,curCurve

Index of selected curve from a connected CurveList object. If a CurveData object is connected the index will be ignored.

Number of curves

name: outNumberOfCurves, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numCurves

Number of curves from connected input object.


name: outCurveTitle, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: curveTitle

Title of curve.


name: outCurveUnit, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: curveUnit

Unit of curve.


name: outCurveType, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: curveType

Type of curve.


name: outCurveStyle, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: curveStyle

Style of curve.


name: outCurveSymbol, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: curveSymbol

Symbol of curve.

Number of points

name: outNumberOfPoints, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numPoints

Number of points of curve.

Number of series

name: outNumberOfSeries, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numSeries

Number of series of curve.

Automatically generated X data

name: outCurveIsAutoX, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: isAutoX

Value of “isAutoX” property of curve.

Minimum X value

name: outXMin, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: xMin

Minimum x value of curve.

Maximum X value

name: outXMax, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: xMax

Maximum x value of curve.

Minimum Y value

name: outYMin, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: yMin

Minimum y value of curve.

Maximum Y value

name: outYMax, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: yMax

Maximum y value of curve.