
genre CSOModule
author Jan Hendrik Moltz
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLCSOMiscModules
definition MLCSOMiscModules.def
see also CSOMerge
keywords map, match, correspond, merge


Creates a mapping between closest CSOs in two CSOLists as input to CSOMerge. Use it to update a CSOList by corresponding CSOs in another list.


Connect two CSOLists and the image on which they were created. Press update if autoUpdate is not enabled.


The CSOLists have to fulfill the following requirements: they must not be empty, all CSOs must be closed and parallel. The module assumes that all CSOs lie on slices of the input image. A CSO cso from inCSOList0 are mapped to CSOs from inCSOList1 as follows: All CSOs on the same slice as cso are candidates for mapping. Of all candidates, the one whose center of gravity is closest to the center of gravity of cso is selected. The output is a string that can be connected to CSOMerge.updateCSOsBySecondListMap.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Image on which the CSOs were drawn, used to infer whether two CSOs are on the same slice.


name: inCSOList0, type: MLBase

CSOList that is the reference for mapping (corresponds to CSOMerge.inCSOList).


name: inCSOList1, type: MLBase

CSOList with candidates for mapping (corresponds to CSOMerge.inputCSOList1).

Parameter Fields

Field Index

[]: Trigger
Clear: Trigger
CSO Id Mapping: String
Has Valid Output: Bool
On Input Change Behavior: Enum
Status Code: Enum
Status Message: String
Update: Trigger

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger

Initiates update of all output field values.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears all output field values to a clean initial state.

On Input Change Behavior

name: onInputChangeBehavior, type: Enum, default: Clear, deprecated name: shouldUpdateAutomatically,shouldAutoUpdate

Declares how the module should react if a value of an input field changes.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Update Update TRUE
Clear Clear FALSE

Status Code

name: statusCode, type: Enum, persistent: no

Reflects module’s status (successful or failed computations) as one of some predefined enumeration values.


Title Name
Ok Ok
Invalid input object Invalid input object
Invalid input parameter Invalid input parameter
Internal error Internal error

Status Message

name: statusMessage, type: String, persistent: no

Gives additional, detailed information about status code as human-readable message.

Has Valid Output

name: hasValidOutput, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates validity of output field values (success of computation).


name: updateDone, type: Trigger, persistent: no

Notifies that an update was performed (Check status interface fields to identify success or failure).

CSO Id Mapping

name: outCSOIdMapping, type: String

A string describing the mapping of CSOs that can be connected to CSOMerge.updateCSOsBySecondListMap.