Source code for tile_processing.helpers

# Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
# **InsertLicense** code
# Comprises helper methods that do not depend on TileProcessor or TileProcessorProperties

from typing import Sequence, Any, List


[docs]def toUpperCase( word:str ) -> str: """ Converts only the first character to upper case and leaves the rest untouched **Example**:: toUpperCase( "myPropertyName" ) -> "MyPropertyName" """ return word[0].upper() + word[1:] if word else ""
[docs]def toFullVec( seq:Sequence, fillValue:Any=0, typeToEnsure:type=None, fullNumComponents=NUM_ML_VECTOR_DIMENSIONS ) -> List: """ Extends the given tuple or list to TileProcessor.NUM_IMAGE_VECTOR_COMPONENTS components by appending the given `fillValue` as often as necessary, optionally converting all elements to typeToEnsure at the end. :param seq: List or tuple with <= TileProcessor.NUM_IMAGE_VECTOR_COMPONENTS elements :param fillValue: Value used for the elements appended to partialSequence :param typeToEnsure: If not None, used to convert all elements (including fillValue) to the given type :param fullNumComponents: "Full" number of components expected, i.e. number of components in the result list :returns: Completed sequence :raises: TypeError if seq is not a tuple or list :raises: ValueError if seq has more than TileProcessor.NUM_IMAGE_VECTOR_COMPONENTS elements """ def ___validateInputSequence(): if not isinstance( seq, (tuple, list) ): raise TypeError( "Given sequence must be of type tuple or list, but was {}".format( None if seq is None else seq.__class__.__name__ ) ) if len( seq ) > fullNumComponents: raise ValueError( "Given list has {}>{} (= TileProcessor.NUM_IMAGE_VECTOR_COMPONENTS) components!".format( len( seq ), fullNumComponents ) ) # def ___getExtendedListCopy(): listCopy = list( seq ) for _ in range( len( seq ), fullNumComponents ): listCopy.append( fillValue ) return listCopy # def ___ensureComponentTypes( vec ): if typeToEnsure is not None: vec = [ typeToEnsure( i ) for i in vec ] return vec # ___validateInputSequence() result = ___getExtendedListCopy() return ___ensureComponentTypes( result )
[docs]def stripStartAndEnd( seq: Sequence, searchVal:Any ) -> Sequence: """ Strips leading or trailing occurrences of `searchVal` from seq. :param seq: Sequence to strip components from :param searchVal: Component value to strip """ def ___stripStart( seqOrig ): seqStripped = type( seqOrig )() for i in range( len( seqOrig ) ): if seqOrig[ i ] != searchVal: seqStripped = seqOrig[ i: ] break return seqStripped # def ___stripEnd( seqOrig ): seqStripped = type( seqOrig )() for i in range( len( seqOrig ) ): if seqOrig[ -i - 1 ] != searchVal: seqStripped = seqOrig[ : -i if i != 0 else None ] break return seqStripped # return ___stripEnd( ___stripStart( seq ) )