Source code for parameter_info.utils

# Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
# **InsertLicense** code author="Jan-Martin Kuhnigk"

# exempt this module from Python module reloading, which frequently breaks
# exception handling, isinstance checks and enum value comparisons
_mlab_do_not_reload = True # value is currently ignored, but it must be defined

from collections import OrderedDict
from import Mapping
import json, uuid
from functools import partial

[docs]def dump_dict( d, msg_prefix=" " ): """ Just for nicer debug printing :param d: Dictionary to print :param msg_prefix: Additional message prefix :return: None """ for k, v in sorted( d.items( d ) ): print( "{}{}: {}".format( msg_prefix, k, v ) )
[docs]def to_ParameterInfo( kv ): """ Recursively converts given key value store kv (possibly a dict) into a new "ParameterInfo" object. :return: ParameterInfo with the same keys and values as the given source dictionary """ from parameter_info.parameter_info import ParameterInfo return _convertMappingRecursively( kv, ParameterInfo, to_ParameterInfo )
[docs]def to_dict( kv ): """ Recursively converts given key value store kv (possibly a ParameterInfo object) into an "ordinary" dict. Use especially if kv contains nodes with keys with indirect value access to replace those with the actual values. :return: Pure dict with "scalar" (non-query) values """ return _convertMappingRecursively( kv, dict, to_dict )
def _convertMappingRecursively( kv, Target_type, convert_fct ): d = Target_type() for k, v in kv.items(): if isinstance( v, Mapping ): d[ k ] = convert_fct( v ) else: d[ k ] = v return d
[docs]def to_flat_dict( kv, general_prefix='', group_prefix="", group_postfix=".", omitEmptyDictionaries = False ): """ Returns a flattened (i.e. depth 1) version of the given dictionary, combining keys so that the descend path is clear. Example: .. code-block:: python to_flat_dict( { "a":1, "b": { "x":10, "y":{ "z": 20 }}, c:{} ) -> { "a":1, "b.x": 10, "b.y.z": 20 "c": {} } Note that the empty dictionary c would be omitted if omitEmptyDictionaries were set to False. :param kv: Dictionary to flatten :param general_prefix: Prefix for each key of the resulting dict :param group_prefix: Prefix for each group's key in combined keys :param group_postfix: Postfix for each group's key in combined keys :param omitEmptyDictionaries: If set to True, an entry with an empty dictionary does not show up in the flat version :return: Flat dict containing the composed keys and their values """ items = [ ] for k, v in kv.items(): if isinstance( v, Mapping ) and ( omitEmptyDictionaries or len( v ) ): new_key = general_prefix + group_prefix + k + group_postfix items.extend( to_flat_dict( v, general_prefix=new_key, group_prefix=group_prefix, group_postfix=group_postfix ).items() ) else: new_key = general_prefix + k items.append( (new_key, v) ) return dict( items )
[docs]def to_flat_ordered_dict( kv, general_prefix='', group_prefix="", group_postfix="." ): """ Like to_flat_dict, but returning an OrderedDict sorted by keys :param kv: Dictionary to flatten :param general_prefix: Prefix for each key of the resulting dict :param group_prefix: Prefix for each group's key in combined keys :param group_postfix: Postfix for each group's key in combined keys :return: OrderedDict containing the composed keys in alphabetical order (and their values) """ return to_ordered_dict( to_flat_dict( kv, general_prefix=general_prefix, group_prefix=group_prefix, group_postfix=group_postfix ) )
[docs]def to_ordered_dict( kv ): """ Convenience method to convert a dictionary to an OrderedDict sorted by key, but without recursing into dictionary children. :param kv: Source dictionary :return: Ordered dictionary """ return OrderedDict( sorted( kv.items(), key=lambda x: x[ 0 ] ) )
[docs]def get_ordered_copy( kv ): """ Convenience method to convert any kind of dictionary (could also be a ParameterInfo) into an ordered copy of itself sorted by key, with recursing into the dictionary's children :param kv: Source dictionary :return: Copied dictionary """ return _convertMappingRecursively( to_ordered_dict( kv ), type( kv ), partial( get_ordered_copy ))
class TypeCleaner( object ): # List here all elementary types that are directly supported by JSON.dumps __SUPPORTED_ELEMENTARY_TYPES = ( int, float, str ) # List here conversion functions for each not natively supported type. Mapping is done # by string, as we did not want to add (e.g. numpy) dependencies here. In the future, this # may be refactored __SUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSIONS = { "int64": int, "float64": float, "datetime": str } # In order not to break tests that use sentinels __IGNORED_TYPE_NAMES = { "_SentinelObject" } @classmethod def get_json_compatible_copy( cls, value, key="", raiseOnError=False ): """ Creates a copy of the provided data structure, which may be any composition of elementary and container types. Will convert known types that are not supported by Json.dumps() into something that is. :param value: Value to copy (elementary or container) :param key: Optional key identifier used only for error logging (simplifies finding unexpected datatypes in a container) :param raiseOnError: If enabled, a TypeError is raised for each conversion error. Otherwise, only an info message is printed,\ and the unconvertible value is put out as a string with a _unsupported_type_<typename> postfix. :return: (hopefully) json compatible copy of the provided data structure """ if cls.__has_supported_conversion_type( value ): result = cls.__get_json_compatible_copy_of_supported_type( value ) elif cls.__has_ignored_type( value ): result = value elif isinstance( value, dict ): result = cls.__get_json_compatible_copy_of_dict( value, key ) elif isinstance( value, (tuple, list, set) ): result = cls.__get_json_compatible_copy_of_list_types( value, key ) elif isinstance( value, cls.__SUPPORTED_ELEMENTARY_TYPES ): result = value # nothing to do elif value is None: result = None elif cls.__get_typename(value) == 'ndarray': result = cls.__get_json_compatible_copy_of_list_types( value.tolist(), key ) else: errMsg = "get_json_compatible_copy error: Unsupported type {} found for key {}!".format( cls.__get_typename( value ), key ) if raiseOnError: raise TypeError( errMsg ) else: print( errMsg ) result = "{}_unsupported_type_{}".format( value, cls.__get_typename( value ) ) return result @classmethod def __has_ignored_type( cls, value ): return cls.__get_typename( value ) in cls.__IGNORED_TYPE_NAMES @classmethod def __get_json_compatible_copy_of_supported_type( cls, value ): return cls.__SUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSIONS[ cls.__get_typename( value ) ]( value ) @classmethod def __has_supported_conversion_type( cls, value ): return cls.__get_typename( value ) in cls.__SUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSIONS @classmethod def __get_typename( cls, value ): return type( value ).__name__ @classmethod def __get_json_compatible_copy_of_dict( cls, value, key ): result = { } for k, v in value.items(): result[ k ] = cls.get_json_compatible_copy( v, key = "{}.{}".format( key, k ) ) return result @classmethod def __get_json_compatible_copy_of_list_types( cls, value, key ): result = [ cls.get_json_compatible_copy( v, key = "{}[{}]".format( key, i ) ) for i, v in enumerate( value ) ] if isinstance( value, tuple ): result = tuple( result ) elif isinstance( value, set ): result = set( result ) return result # --------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class SelectiveNoIndentEncoder( json.JSONEncoder ): """ Replacement for the default JSONEncoder that will prevent indentation for values wrapped in a SelectiveNoIndentEncoder.NoIndent object. Note that using a NoIndent on a composed object, none of the children in its subtree will be indented (additional NoIndent objects there will be tolerated). Adapted from NOTE: Only works correctly with json.dumps, not json.dump! In the latter case, it will have no effect. """
[docs] class NoIndent( object ): """ Use this class to wrap values that you want to exclude from indentation. """ def __init__( self, value ): self.value = value
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): super( SelectiveNoIndentEncoder, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) self.kwargs = dict( kwargs ) del self.kwargs[ 'indent' ] self._replacement_map = { }
[docs] def default( self, o ): if isinstance( o, SelectiveNoIndentEncoder.NoIndent ): key = uuid.uuid4().hex self._replacement_map[ key ] = json.dumps( o.value, cls=SelectiveNoIndentEncoder, **self.kwargs ) return "@@%s@@" % (key,) else: return super( SelectiveNoIndentEncoder, self ).default( o )
[docs] def encode( self, o ): result = super( SelectiveNoIndentEncoder, self ).encode( o ) for k, v in self._replacement_map.items(): result = result.replace( '"@@%s@@"' % (k,), v ) return result
[docs]class IndentOnlyNestedSequencesJsonEncoder( SelectiveNoIndentEncoder ): """ Replacement for the default JSONEncoder that will write non-nested lists, tuples or sets in a single line even with indent > 0. NOTE: Only works correctly with json.dumps, not json.dump! In the latter case, it will have no effect. """
[docs] class MarkElementarySequences( TypeCleaner ): """ Modifies the TypeCleaner to mark all non-nested sequences by encapsulating them in the NoIndent wrapper. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_json_compatible_copy( cls, value, key="", raiseOnError=False ): if cls._is_non_nested_sequence( value ): return SelectiveNoIndentEncoder.NoIndent( value ) else: return super().get_json_compatible_copy( value, key=key, raiseOnError=raiseOnError )
@classmethod def _is_non_nested_sequence( cls, value ): if not isinstance( value, (tuple, list, set) ): return False for v in value: if not isinstance( v, (str, int, float) ): return False return True
[docs] def encode( self, o ): return super().encode( self.MarkElementarySequences.get_json_compatible_copy( o ) )