Source code for ApplicationVersioningSupport.VCSQuery

# Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
# **InsertLicense** code

# associated_tests: ApplicationVersioningSupport.tests.VCSQueryTest

import os
import subprocess
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from builtins import str

__author__ = 'jmkuhnigk'

class VCSQuery( object ):
  __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

  def getRevision( self, path ):
    Returns the revision of path (i.e. NOT the last changed revision in the working copy).
    :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory
    :return: Revision of the repository the path is organized in, None if no evaluation was possible
    return None

  def getWorkingCopyRevisionInfo( self, path ):
    Returns the revision info for the root of the working copy path is located in (i.e. NOT the revision of path or the \
    last changed revision in the working copy). The result format follows svnversion result format, e.g. \
    if you have a mixed checkout, you will get the minimum and maximum revision number of the working copy, separated by \
    a colon. If your working copy contains modifications, the result suffix will contain an 'M'.
    :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory
    :return: Revision info in svnversion format for the working copy the path is located in, None if no evaluation was possible
    return None

  def getRepositoryURL( self, path ):
    Returns the repository part of the URL, i.e. for a path https://svn.lan/trunk/dir/file the string https://svn.lan is
    :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory
    :return: Repository part of the URL, None if no evaluation was possible
    return None

  def getRelativeURL(self, path):
    Returns the relative part of the URL, i.e. for a path "https://svn.lan/trunk/dir/file" the string "trunk/dir/file"
     is returned.
    :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory
    :return: Relative part of the URL, None if no evaluation was possible
    return None

  def getRelativeBranchURL( self, path, firstNonBranchSubString = "FME"):
    Returns the 'branch' part of the relative part of the URL, i.e. for a path https://svn.lan/trunk/FMEwork/dir/file \
    the string "trunk" is returned.
    :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory
    :param firstNonBranchSubString: string to search for
    :return: Relative part of the URL, None if no evaluation was possible
    return None

  def canEvaluatePath(self, path):
    Returns True if the given path can be evaluated using the VCS
    :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory
    :return: True if the given path can be evaluated using the VCS
    return False

[docs]class SVNQuery( VCSQuery ): def __init__( self, pathToVCSExe = None ): """ Constructor :param pathToVCSExe: Path in which svn and svnversion executable can be found (None if they are in the path anyway). """ super(SVNQuery, self).__init__() self.__pathToVCSExe = pathToVCSExe
[docs] def getRevision( self, path ): """ Returns the revision of path (i.e. NOT the last changed revision in the working copy). :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory :return: Revision of the repository the path is organized in, None if no evaluation was possible """ revision = None output = self._runSVNCommand( "info", "--show-item=revision", path ) if output is not None: revision = int( output ) return revision
[docs] def getWorkingCopyRevisionInfo(self, path): """ Returns the revision info for the root of the working copy path is located in (i.e. NOT the revision of path or the \ last changed revision in the working copy). The result format follows svnversion result format, e.g. \ if you have a mixed checkout, you will get the minimum and maximum revision number of the working copy, separated by \ a colon. If your working copy contains modifications, the result suffix will contain an 'M'. :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory :return: Revision info in svnversion format for the working copy the path is located in, None if no evaluation was possible """ revisionInfo = None wcRoot = self._runSVNCommand( "info", "--show-item=wc-root", path ) if wcRoot: revisionInfo = self._runSVNVersionCommand( wcRoot ) return revisionInfo
[docs] def getRepositoryURL( self, path ): """ Returns the repository part of the URL, i.e. for a path https://svn.lan/trunk/dir/file the string https://svn.lan is returned. :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory :return: Repository part of the URL, None if no evaluation was possible """ return self._runSVNCommand( "info", "--show-item=repos-root-url", path )
[docs] def getRelativeURL( self, path ): """ Returns the relative part of the URL, i.e. for a path "https://svn.lan/trunk/dir/file" the string "trunk/dir/file" is returned. :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory :return: Relative part of the URL, None if no evaluation was possible """ relativeURL = self._runSVNCommand( "info", "--show-item=relative-url", path ) if relativeURL: relativeURL = relativeURL.lstrip( "^/" ) return relativeURL
[docs] def getRelativeBranchURL( self, path, firstNonBranchSubString = "FME"): """ Returns the 'branch' part of the relative part of the URL, i.e. for a path https://svn.lan/trunk/FMEwork/dir/file \ the string "trunk" is returned. :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory :param firstNonBranchSubString: string to search for :return: Relative part of the URL, None if no evaluation was possible """ relativeBranchURL = self.getRelativeURL( path ) if relativeBranchURL: splitIndex = relativeBranchURL.find( firstNonBranchSubString ) relativeBranchURL = os.path.dirname( relativeBranchURL[ :splitIndex ] ) if splitIndex >= 0 else None return relativeBranchURL
[docs] def canEvaluatePath(self, path): """ Returns True if the given path can be evaluated using SVN :param path: Path to a working copy file or directory :return: True if the given path can be evaluated using SVN """ try: output = self._runSVNCommand( "info", path ) except: return True return output is not None
def _runSVNCommand( self, *args ): return self._runCommand( "svn", *args ) def _runSVNVersionCommand( self, *args ): return self._runCommand( "svnversion", *args ) def _runCommand( self, command, *args ): if self.__pathToVCSExe: command = os.path.join( self.__pathToVCSExe, command ) # shell=True prevents window popups, but must not be used with user-defined arguments (security issue) # I would use stdin=None if it weren't failing in the nightly tests with an OSError on Windows. With Python3 # DEVNULL becomes an option. Not sure if the PIPE thing is an issue at all, though... p = subprocess.Popen( "{} {}".format( command, " ".join( args ) ), stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True ) output, err = p.communicate( ) if self.__getCleanedUpSVNOutput( err ): output = None return self.__getCleanedUpSVNOutput( output ) def __getCleanedUpSVNOutput( self, output ): if output: output = str(output, 'utf-8').strip('\n\r') if not output: output = None return output
[docs]def GetQueryForPath( path, pathToSvnExe = None ): #, pathToGitExe = None """ Creates and returns the correctly typed VCSQuery object (e.g. SVNQuery for svn repositories) :param path: Path to check for versioning system :param pathToSvnExe: If omitted, it is assumed that svn commandline executable is in the PATH :return: Correctly typed VCSQuery object or None if none is found """ svn = SVNQuery( pathToVCSExe = pathToSvnExe ) if svn.canEvaluatePath( path ): return svn #else: # git = GITQuery( pathToVCSExe = pathToGitExe ) # if git.canEvaluatePath( path ): # return git return None
class _VCSDummyQuery( VCSQuery ): """ Dummy Query always returning None/False on all requests. """ def getRevision( self, path ): return None def getWorkingCopyRevisionInfo( self, path ): return None def getRepositoryURL( self, path ): return None def getRelativeURL(self, path): return None def getRelativeBranchURL( self, path, firstNonBranchSubString = None ): return None def canEvaluatePath(self, path): return False
[docs]def ExtractPathInfoToFiles( samplePath, targetFileBase = None ): """ Extracts VCS path info for the given samplePath into files a version string from a version history file and writes \ it to another files for further processing. See PATH_INFO_FILE_SUFFIXES for the kinds of files created :param samplePath: Filename of the version history to parse for the current version number :param targetFileBase: Folder or file to place the result files in, see PATH_INFO_FILE_SUFFIXES for what's appended \ for each result. If None, samplePath is used. :returns: None """ if targetFileBase is None: targetFileBase = samplePath queryObject = GetQueryForPath( samplePath ) if not queryObject: # use dummy query always returning None queryObject = _VCSDummyQuery() results = {} for key, suffix in PATH_INFO_FILE_SUFFIXES.items(): results[ key ] = queryObject.__getattribute__( "get" + key )( samplePath ) for key, value in results.items(): targetFileName = targetFileBase + PATH_INFO_FILE_SUFFIXES[ key ] __writeTextToFile( str( value ), targetFileName )
PATH_INFO_FILE_SUFFIXES = { "RepositoryURL": "_RepositoryURL.tmp", "WorkingCopyRevisionInfo": "_WorkingCopyRevisionInfo.tmp", "RelativeBranchURL": "_RelativeBranchURL.tmp" } def __writeTextToFile( text, filename ): try: with open( filename, 'w' ) as f: f.write( text ) except IOError as e: print('Failed to write file with error ({}): {}'.format( e.errno, e.strerror )) raise e