
genre Test
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition TestCaseManager.def
keywords testing, functional


Detailed documentation about the TestCaseManager and the TestCenter can be found on the MeVisLab Help Overview page. See Developing a Test Case and TestCenter Manual.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Always use current MeVisLab: Bool Max Error Messages Per Test Function: Integer Report name would look like: String
anythingSelected: Bool Max Info Messages Per Test Function: Integer Secure testing: Bool
Append TestCase name: Bool MeVisLab Path: String Should generate HTML report: Bool
Append timestamp: Bool Name: String Should generate JUnit report: Bool
Associated Module: String Network: String Show only failed test functions: Bool
associatedModuleExists: Bool New Test Case Name: String Show reports in TestCaseManager panel: Bool
Bullseye coverage: Bool New Test Case Type: Enum Stop and inspect network on error: Bool
bullseyeAvailable: Bool New Test Comment: String Suite File: String
codeTestExecutableExists: Bool newTestCaseProject: String Test Network: Enum
codeTestNodeSelected: Bool newTestCaseProjectPath: String testCaseHasNetworkFile: Bool
codeTestSelected: Bool Options: String testCaseInfo: String
Collapse all test functions: Bool Package Identifier: String testCaseLoaded: Bool
Compile mode: Enum packageSelected: Bool testCaseLoadedAndVerified: Bool
dialogText: String progress: Float testCaseSelected: Bool
directoryStructure: Enum progressDialogCurrentFunction: String testCaseSuiteSelected: Bool
ensureReportViewerInPanelIsVisible: Trigger progressDialogStatus: String testCaseSuiteTestNames: String
Format: Enum progressDialogText: String testCaseWasExecutedNotSecure: Bool
Hide info messages: Bool Python Coverage: Enum Timestamp format: String
Hide system messages: Bool Reload Python modules when test cases reload: Bool Use MESA for secure testing: Bool
isDisplayingReport: Bool Report directory: String  
Log info messages: Bool Report name: String  

Visible Fields

Python Coverage

name: pythonCoverage, type: Enum, default: Disabled

If checked, for each test a coverage report will be generated for all utilized python modules loaded so far.


The Python coverage report might list modules from the python cache that have been used earlier but are not relevant for the current test. Only the initialization code of the unrelated modules will be shown as executed in the report. Technically speaking this is correct because all modules from the cache are reloaded before each test run. At this point it is not possible to distinguish between the modules relevant for the test and other modules.

To avoid this problem you can use ‘Secure testing’ which starts a new MeVisLab instance for each test and thus has a clean python cache.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Disabled Disabled FALSE
Per Test Case PerTestCase TRUE
Global Global  

Bullseye coverage

name: bullseyeCoverage, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Only works correctly with SecureTesting switched on. If checked, for each test the currently instrumented codes in the COVFILE are used to measure coverage values on a per-test basis. For this to work you need Bullseye Coverage installed and the path to its binaries in your PATH environment variables.

Secure testing

name: secureTesting, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Start a separate MeVisLab process for running the test(s).

This uses the settings Always use current MeVisLab, MeVisLab Path, Options, Compile mode, and Use MESA for secure testing from the Configuration tab.

Use MESA for secure testing

name: useMesaForSecureTesting, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If this option is on, MeVisLab will try to use the MESA software OpenGL driver when running tests in Secure testing (instead of the system-supplied driver). This only works on Windows.

Stop and inspect network on error

name: stopOnError, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the test execution stops on the first error and the active test network is opened in MeVisLab.

Log info messages

name: logInfoMessages, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, all informational messages are logged.

Reload Python modules when test cases reload

name: shouldReloadPythonModulesWhenReloadingTestCases, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Report directory

name: reportDirectory, type: String

Report name

name: reportName, type: String, default: TestCenterReport

Append timestamp

name: reportNameAddTimestamp, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Append TestCase name

name: reportNameAddTestCaseName, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Timestamp format

name: reportTimestampConfig, type: String, default: _%y_%m_%d__%H_%M

See Python’s strftime function for help.

Collapse all test functions

name: reportCollapseAll, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Show only failed test functions

name: reportShowFailedOnly, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Hide info messages

name: reportHideInfoMessages, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Hide system messages

name: reportHideSystemMessages, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Report name would look like

name: reportNameExample, type: String, persistent: no

Should generate HTML report

name: shouldGenerateHTMLReport, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Should generate JUnit report

name: shouldGenerateJUnitReport, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: jUnitFormat, type: Enum, default: proprietary

Defines the number of the resulting report files and the used format.


Title Name Description
Proprietary proprietary

One report file for each test case is created. The test case name is used as file name. The report format is JUnit like:

<testsuites errors="0" failures="0" name="NameOfTheTestCase" skipped="0" tests="4" time="0.5">
     <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="TEST001_Test_Function" skipped="0" tests="2" time="0.5">
          <testcase name="Some logging written by the test" />
JUnit junit

All test case results are written to one JUnit file named junitOutput.xml. The report format is JUnit which can be used in Jenkins:

<testsuites tests="4" errors="0" failures="0" time="0.5">
    <testsuite tests="4" failures="0" errors="0" skipped="0" time="0.5" name="NameOfTheTestCase">
        <testcase name="TEST001_Test_Function" time="0.5">
            <system-out>All logging written to std-out by the test</system-out>
            <system-err>All logging written to err-out by the test</system-err>
            <failure>All logging that indicates a test failure (e.g. from an EXPECT_EQ())</failure>
            <error>All logging that indicates an unexpected test error (e.g. a crash)</error>

Max Info Messages Per Test Function

name: maxInfoMessagesPerTestFunction, type: Integer, default: 10000

Max Error Messages Per Test Function

name: maxErrorMessagesPerTestFunction, type: Integer, default: 10000

Always use current MeVisLab

name: cfgUseCurrent, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If this option is set, the path from MeVisLab Path is ignored. Instead the MeVisLab from which the test center is called is used.

This should usually be on. Only if you explicitly want to run tests in/from a different MeVisLab installation - or if path detection fails for some reason - should this be switched off.

MeVisLab Path

name: cfgExecutable, type: String, persistent: no

Path to the installed MeVisLab. Is ignored if Always use current MeVisLab is set.


name: cfgOptions, type: String

Command line options to use for secure testing (in addition to required options).

Compile mode

name: cfgCompileMode, type: Enum, default: Automatic, deprecated name: cfgUseDebug

Select the compile mode of the MeVisLab executable to use in secure testing.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Release Release TRUE Use the fast, optimized Release mode version of MeVisLab.
Debug Debug FALSE Use the slower, unoptimized Debug version of MeVisLab, which is suitable for C++ debugging.
Automatic Automatic   Automatically select the same compile mode as the currently running MeVisLab (Release mode if not started from MeVisLab).

New Test Case Name

name: newTestCaseName, type: String

New Test Comment

name: newTestComment, type: String


name: newTestNetworkPath, type: String

New Test Case Type

name: newTestCaseType, type: Enum, default: Inventor


Title Name
Inventor Inventor
Macros Macros
Other Other

Test Network

name: newTestNetworkMode, type: Enum, default: NewEmptyTestNetwork


Title Name
Empty Network NewEmptyTestNetwork
Import Network ImportExistingTestNetwork
No Network NoTestNetwork


name: testCaseSuiteName, type: String, persistent: no

Suite File

name: testCaseSuiteFilename, type: String, persistent: no

Associated Module

name: associatedModule, type: String

Package Identifier

name: packageIdentifier, type: String

Show reports in TestCaseManager panel

name: showReportViewerInPanel, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Hidden Fields


name: testCaseLoaded, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: testCaseHasNetworkFile, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: testCaseHasInternal

Reflects if the selected test has an internal network file.


name: testCaseLoadedAndVerified, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: anythingSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: testCaseSuiteSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: testCaseSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: packageSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: codeTestSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: codeTestNodeSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: codeTestExecutableExists, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: testCaseWasExecutedNotSecure, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: testCaseExecuted

Reflects if the selected test was executed with disabled “Secure Testing”.


name: bullseyeAvailable, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: testCaseInfo, type: String


name: newTestCaseProject, type: String, persistent: no


name: newTestCaseProjectPath, type: String, persistent: no


name: directoryStructure, type: Enum, persistent: no


Title Name
Classic Classic
Self-contained Self-contained


name: testCaseSuiteTestNames, type: String, persistent: no


name: associatedModuleExists, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: dialogText, type: String, persistent: no


name: progressDialogText, type: String, persistent: no


name: progressDialogCurrentFunction, type: String, persistent: no


name: progressDialogStatus, type: String, persistent: no


name: progress, type: Float, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, persistent: no


name: isDisplayingReport, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: ensureReportViewerInPanelIsVisible, type: Trigger