
genre InventorEngines
author Silicon Graphics Inc
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition inventor.def


This engine takes as input a three dimensional floating-point vector and a transformation matrix. The vector is assumed to be a row vector.

The engine multiplies the Vector by the Matrix and returns the result in the output Point.

The output Direction contains the result when the matrix multiplication assumes the vector is a direction, and therefore ignores the translation part of the matrix. The output Normal Direction contains the normalized direction.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Direction: EngineOutput
Matrix: Other
Normal Direction: EngineOutput
Point: EngineOutput
Vector: Vector3List

Visible Fields


name: vector, type: Vector3List, default: 0 0 0

Input row vector.


name: matrix, type: Other, default: 1 0 0 0,    0 1 0 0,        0 0 1 0,        0 0 0 1

Input transformation matrix.


name: point, type: EngineOutput, persistent: no

Vector transformed by matrix.


name: direction, type: EngineOutput, persistent: no

Vector transformed by matrix, ignoring translation.

Normal Direction

name: normalDirection, type: EngineOutput, persistent: no

Normalized direction.