
genre InventorDraggers
author Silicon Graphics Inc
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition inventor.def
keywords interaction, 3D


SoTransformBoxDragger is a composite dragger shaped like a box with small cubes at the corners. Click and drag any of these cubes to scale the box uniformly. Drag any edge of the box to rotate the whole dragger about its center, along an axis parallel to that edge. Pick any face of the box for 2D translation in the plane of that face.

Although the box looks just about like a wire frame cube, it is composed of many different simple draggers arranged in a composite assembly. When one part is dragged, the transformBox makes sure they all move together. Each of the parts of the box is a different dragger with the default geometry changed. The faces of the box are SoTranslate2Dragger, the edges are SoRotateCylindricalDragger, and the cubes are an SoScaleUniformDragger. Drag them and the dragger will update its Translation, Rotation and Scale Factor fields to reflect the changes. As with all draggers, if you change the fields the dragger will move to match the new settings.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Field Index

enable: Bool
Is Active: Bool
Rotation: Rotation
Scale Factor: Vector3
Translation: Vector3

Visible Fields

Is Active

name: isActive, type: Bool, persistent: no

TRUE when mouse is down and dragging, else FALSE.


name: rotation, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0

Orientation of the dragger.

Three lines along the x, y, and z axes form the central star shape, which you can drag with the mouse to rotate the dragger.


name: translation, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

The position of the dragger.

Scale Factor

name: scaleFactor, type: Vector3, default: 1 1 1

Scale of the dragger.

Hidden Fields


name: enable, type: Bool, default: TRUE