
genre VolRendExtensions
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoGVR
definition soGVR.def
inherits from SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings


The SoGVRSecondaryVolume module allows to set an additional octree volume to the SoGVRVolumeRenderer. In the current implementation, up to 4 secondary volumes can be added to the SoGVRVolumeRenderer module in addition to the volume that is directly connected to the renderer. The secondary volume needs to have the same voxelsize and orientation, but may be a subregion of the volume connected to the renderer. The secondary volume needs to get a unique volumeName, if you want to use more than one secondary volume in the scene. If an associated secondary lut is given (see SoGVRSecondaryLUT), the volume data will be mapped using the LUT. The resulting color will be combined with the main volume using the Combine Mode.


self - a node that should be put in front of the SoGVRVolRen


image - input ML image

inVolume - alternative GVRVolume input, e.g. supplied by a GVRVolumeLoad module

The input image must have the same orientation and voxel size as the original image, but it may be a sub-image as e.g. generated by a BoundingBox module.


  • Enabled: Defines if the volume is used/loaded
  • Volume Name: Defines the unique name that will be used to address this volume (in the shaders but also for SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings)
  • Enable Rendering: Enables the rendering of the volume
  • Filter Data: Enables linear interpolation when sampling the data
  • Visibility: Defines the visibilty of the data.
  • Associated Lut Name: Gives the name of a SoGVRSecondaryLUT that should be applied on the volume data.
  • Combine Mode: Defines how the secondary volume data is combined with the main volume.


The input image must have the same orientation and voxel size as the main volume of the SoGVRVolumeRenderer, but it may be a sub-image as e.g. generated by a BoundingBox module.

Input Fields


name: image, type: Image

ML image to use as secondary volume


name: inVolume, type: MLBase

GVRVolume to use as secondary volume (instead of the image field).

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

a node that should be put in front of the SoGVRVolumeRenderer

see also SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings.self

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Associated Lut Name: String Volume Name: String
Combine Mode: Enum  
Current Time Point: Integer  
Enable Rendering: Bool  
Enabled: Bool  
Filter Data: Bool  
Time Point Mode: Enum  
Visibility: Enum  

Visible Fields


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enables loading of the volume.

see also SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings.enabled

Enable Rendering

name: enableRendering, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enables rendering of the volume.

Volume Name

name: volumeName, type: String, default: secondaryVolume

Sets the name of the volume (this defines how it can be accessed in the GLSL shaders).

see also SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings.volumeName

Associated Lut Name

name: associatedLutName, type: String, default: secondaryLut

Sets the name of the SoGVRSecondaryLUT to use.

see also SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings.associatedLutName

Filter Data

name: filterData, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enables linear filtering of the volume data.

see also SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings.filterData


name: visibility, type: Enum, default: VolumeVisibleWithSecondaryLUT

Defines the visibility of the volume data.


Title Name Description
Always Visible VolumeAlwaysVisible The volume is always visible.
Same Visibility As Main Volume VolumeSameVisibilityAsMainVolume The volume is visible where the main volume is visible.
Visible With Secondary LUT VolumeVisibleWithSecondaryLUT The volume’s visibility is detected by the min/max and histogram of the secondary LUT.

Combine Mode

name: combineMode, type: Enum, default: CombineBlend

Defines how to combine with the main volume and other secondary volumes.


Title Name Description
Add CombineAdd Add to the result.
Max CombineMax Do max of the current result and the classified secondary volume.
Blend CombineBlend Blend the secondary volume on top of the current result.

Time Point Mode

name: timePointMode, type: Enum, default: SameAsMainVolume

Select time point handling.


Title Name Description
Same As Main Volume SameAsMainVolume Time point is same as main volume.
Manual Manual Time point is given by Current Time Point.

Current Time Point

name: currentTimePoint, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

Defines the rendered time point.