
The module SmartMarker is a somewhat specialized version of the SoView2DMarkerEditor.

It is used to set include and exclude marker, whereby the decision if the marker is an input or exclude marker is automatic and depends on the given input mask image.

If the marker is set on a position, where the mask image is not zero, the marker becomes an exclude marker and vice versa.

It can be useful if you have a segmentation algorithm - for example an interactive watershed - where the user is able to correct the segmentation using including-/exclude marker.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inMaskImage, type: Image, deprecated name: maskImageInput

The mask image which leads to decision if the marker will be an include or exclude marker. If the world coordinate for the marker does not fit into the mask image (for example when input image of the connected viewer and mask image do not have the same size or location) no marker will be set.


name: inXMarkerList, type: ListBase(MLBase), deprecated name: inputXMarkerList

This marker list input is optional. If existing new set marker will be appended to this list.

Output Fields


name: outMarkerNode, type: SoNode, deprecated name: outputMarkerNode

This node field has to be connected, e.g., to a View2D, so mouse events can be send to the internal marker editors.


name: outXMarkerList, type: XMarkerList(MLBase), deprecated name: outputXMarkerList

The marker list containing all include and exclude markers.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLXMarkerListWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Delete Markers

name: deleteAllMarkers, type: Trigger

If pressed, all markers are deleted.

Internal Status

name: internalStatus, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the internal status of the module.

Because of the current way of adding a new (smart) marker to the list container (first pressing append, then setting each parameter), setting a smart marker results in six notifications. This can be a performance problem, especially if you are using this marker for interactive segmentation correction. This field can used to check the internal status of the marker editor. It is set to ‘ok’ if you should react on notifications and to ‘working’ if the ‘inserting/appending’ procedure is not finished.