
The module SeparateBits analyzes the input image according to all occuring gray levels. Each gray level is then transformed to a power of 2.

With such operation, segmentation masks that are encoded as different gray levels in an integer image are split on separate bits. Accordingly, the segmentation masks can be morphologically modified using the BitMorphology module (Dilation, Erosion, and by sequential use of two operators also Opening and Closing).


Note: this module does not work with floating point datatypes.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Apply: Trigger
Auto: Bool
Background (inBG): Integer
Background (outBG): Integer
Datatype: Enum
Mode (inMode): Enum
Mode (outMode): Enum
Output Object Min.: Integer

Visible Fields

Background (inBG)

name: inBG, type: Integer, default: 0, deprecated name: InputBG

Sets the value of voxels that should be considered as background voxels.

Only available if Mode is set to normal.

Background (outBG)

name: outBG, type: Integer, default: 0, deprecated name: OutputBG

Sets the value for voxels in the output image that are considered as background.

Only available if Mode is set to sequential.

Output Object Min.

name: outObjectMin, type: Integer, default: 1, deprecated name: OutputObjectMin

Sets the minimum gray value for objects.

Only available if Mode is set to sequential.

Mode (inMode)

name: inMode, type: Enum, default: normal, deprecated name: InputMode

Defines the criterion how the membership of a voxel is determined.


Title Name Description
normal normal Each gray value that occurs in the input histogram (except Background) are treated as objects
bit separate (LSB) bit separate (LSB) If multiple bits are set, the least significant bit (LSB) decides on the object membership.
bit separate (MSB) bit separate (MSB) If multiple bits are set, the most significant bit (MSB) decides on the object membership.

Mode (outMode)

name: outMode, type: Enum, default: bit separate, deprecated name: OutputMode

Defines the coding of the output voxel values.


Title Name Description
sequential sequential Different input gray levels are coded sequentially starting from Output Object Min..
bit separate bit separate

Different input gray levels are coded as sequential powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.

This mode assures that only one bit is set in each voxel.


name: outDatatype, type: Enum, default: unsigned int16, deprecated name: OutputDatatype

Defines the datatype of the output image.


Title Name
int8 unsigned int8
int16 unsigned int16
int32 unsigned int32


name: apply, type: Trigger

If pressed, the output image is computed anew.


name: autoApply, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the output image is computed anew on each change of any field.