
genre GUI
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition dialogs.def
see also ImageLoad, DicomBrowser, SaveImage
keywords load, dicom, tiff, browser, preview, file, dialog


The module OpenImage is specifically designed as a modal open image dialog inside an application, but it can also be used to open images within a network.

An image can be selected using a DICOM browser or a standard file open dialog. When an image is selected, information about the image, such as image size, voxel spacing, time points and DICOM tags, as well as an image preview is displayed.


Image Preview

An image file can be selected using either the DICOM browser or the Browse… button at the bottom of the dialog. In the DICOM browser, an image is selected by a single click in the line representing the image. As soon as an image is selected, the preview window displays its contents. Navigation and level/window control of the preview window is done using the mouse functions defined in the View2DExtensions module.

The information panel next to the preview window displays DICOM tags found in the image and other important information, such as image size, voxel spacing, and time points of the image.

Open an Image

Pressing the OK button or double-clicking an image in the DICOM browser closes the dialog and opens the image at the outImage output field of the module. Pressing Cancel or clicking the window’s close icon closes the dialog without affecting the outImage field.

Setting Preferences

The Preferences… button opens a dialog with additional DICOM browser options. The Include and Exclude options can be used to restrict the DICOM browser tree to specific subdirectories within the selected directory. The Suffix string specifies the filename suffix of DICOM files.

If the Recursive option is selected, the DICOM browser displays all images found in the selected directory and the included subdirectories, otherwise only the selected subdirectory is scanned. The Sort By option specifies the sorting hierarchy used in the DICOM browser (as specified in the dicomtree.def file).

The settings made in the preferences dialog can be permanently saved to a user preferences file. By default, this file is named mlabOpenImage.prefs and is stored in the directory specified as SettingsPath in the mevislab.prefs file or the MeVisLab preferences dialog. (If no settings path is specified, the user’s home directory is used.) An application using the OpenImage dialog can override the location of the preferences file, disable its use and directly specify the settings to be used, or even hide the Preferences… button completely.

Import DICOM Images

New DICOM images consisting of single 2D slices can be imported into the MeVisLab image file system by clicking the Import… button. This displays a dialog in which a Source Path, a Target Path and additional Options can be specified.

The default target directory is the directory containing the currently selected image in the DICOM browser, or the current browser root path if no image is selected. The default import options are read from the EatDicomOptions specification in the mevislab.prefs file.

A list of all import options is displayed by clicking the Help button.

After new DICOM images have been imported, the Reload button in the DICOM browser has to be pressed in order to display the new images.

Input Fields


name: inViewExtensions, type: SoNode, deprecated name: viewerExtensions

Output Fields


name: outPreview, type: Image, deprecated name: previewImage


name: outImage, type: Image, deprecated name: outputImage

Parameter Fields

Field Index

autoReload: Enum hidePreferences: Bool sortBy: String
Browser Root Path: String imageName: String sortValues: String
closeImage: Trigger include: String stdViewerExtOn: Bool
closePreview: Trigger newImage: Trigger suffix: String
exclude: String ok: Bool useExclude: Bool
Filename: String recursive: Bool useInclude: Bool
hideCloseButtons: Bool reloadDurationLimit: Float  
hideImport: Bool settingsFile: String  

Visible Fields


name: previewName, type: String

Sets the file name to an image.

Browser Root Path

name: browserRootPath, type: String

Sets the root path to a directory containing images.

Hidden Fields


name: imageName, type: String


name: ok, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: newImage, type: Trigger


name: stdViewerExtOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: hideImport, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: hidePreferences, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: hideCustomize


name: hideCloseButtons, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: settingsFile, type: String


name: autoReload, type: Enum, default: SmartByDuration


Title Name
Off Off
Smart By Duration SmartByDuration
Always Always


name: reloadDurationLimit, type: Float, default: 3


name: useInclude, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: include, type: String, default: datasets,results


name: useExclude, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: exclude, type: String, default: slices,html


name: suffix, type: String, default: dcm


name: recursive, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: sortBy, type: String, default: Patient


name: sortValues, type: String, default: Interventional,Study ID,Patient,Modality,Institution,Date,FlatDatasets,Device


name: closeImage, type: Trigger


name: closePreview, type: Trigger