
The module ObjectInspector can be used to inspect ML::Base derived objects that support the TreeNode persistence concept.

It enables the object to be exported to and imported from XML strings.

The ObjectInspector allows viewing and editing a C++ object by its XML representation. Additionally, specific tag values can be extracted to string fields.


Connect an object to the input and press Load Input Object into Editor. You can now view and modify the XML representation of the object. If you want to create an object from the modified string, press the Update Output Object from Editor button. Watch the Status for possible error messages.

The module can also be used to extract specific object values using the XML tag structure. Look at the syntax help to find out how to do this in the Value Extraction panel.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inObject, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inputBaseObject

Output Fields


name: outObject, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outputBaseObject

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Auto load on input connection touch: Bool Tag 1: String Value 2: String
Auto update: Bool Tag 2: String Value 3: String
Delete Current Output Object: Trigger Tag 3: String Value 4: String
Load Input Object into Editor: Trigger Tag 4: String Value 5: String
Output is up-to-date: Bool Tag 5: String XML String: String
Sample Queries: String Update Fields From XML String: Trigger  
Sample XML String: String Update Output Object from Editor: Trigger  
Status: String Value 1: String  

Visible Fields

Load Input Object into Editor

name: loadIntoEditor, type: Trigger, deprecated name: loadObject

Makes the object available as XML string in the editor.

Auto load on input connection touch

name: autoLoad, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the attached Base object is loaded into the editor every time its field is touched.

XML String

name: objectString, type: String

Shows and sets the XML representation of the Base object.

Update Output Object from Editor

name: updateOutObject, type: Trigger, deprecated name: updateObject

If pressed, a new Base object is generated according to the XML description and set as value of the output field.

Delete Current Output Object

name: deleteOutObject, type: Trigger, deprecated name: deleteObject

If pressed, the current output Base object is deleted.

Output is up-to-date

name: upToDate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Shows whether the output Base object is up-to-date.


name: statusString, type: String, persistent: no

Shows status information about the module.

Update Fields From XML String

name: updateTagValues, type: Trigger

If pressed, the value fields are filled with the current values of the specified tags.

Auto update

name: autoUpdateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the value fields are updated with the values of the specified tags if the input Base object changes.

Tag 1

name: tag1, type: String

Specifies the tag to be read out.

Tag 2

name: tag2, type: String

Specifies the tag to be read out.

Tag 3

name: tag3, type: String

Specifies the tag to be read out.

Tag 4

name: tag4, type: String

Specifies the tag to be read out.

Tag 5

name: tag5, type: String

Specifies the tag to be read out.

Value 1

name: tagValue1, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the value of tag 1.

Value 2

name: tagValue2, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the value of tag 2.

Value 3

name: tagValue3, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the value of tag 3.

Value 4

name: tagValue4, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the value of tag 4.

Value 5

name: tagValue5, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the value of tag 5.

Sample XML String

name: helpXMLSample, type: String, persistent: no

Shows an example XML string.

Sample Queries

name: syntaxHelp, type: String, persistent: no

Shows an example query string that fits the Sample XML String.