
genre Marker
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLGeometry1
definition MLGeometry1.def
see also XMarkerListContainer
keywords XMarker, Segmentation


The module MaskToMarkers creates a list of ml.XMarker from a mask image.

An XMarker is created for each pixel in the input image which has a gray value greater than Lower Threshold (default: 0).


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

input1 (hidden)

name: input1, type: Image

Optional vector input image. Data must be of type vec3 or vecf3.

Output Fields


name: outputXMarkerList, type: XMarkerList(MLBase)
For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLXMarkerListWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Lower Threshold: Double
Marker Type: Enum
Mode: Enum
progress: Double
Type: Integer
Update: Trigger
Vector Mode: Enum

Visible Fields

Lower Threshold

name: lowerThreshold, type: Double, default: 0

Input voxel value above which markers shall be generated

Marker Type

name: setType, type: Enum, default: User, deprecated name: markerIDMode

Defines which value is set as type information to the generated markers.


Title Name Description
User User The Type is set to each generated marker.
Voxel Value VoxelValue The original voxel value is used a the type for the generated marker at that position. Floating point values are truncated to integers; see Vector Mode for a similar option that retains decimal digits.


name: type, type: Integer, default: 0, deprecated name: markerID

Sets the value that is used as a type value for all markers if Marker Type is set to User.


name: updateMode, type: Enum, default: Off, deprecated name: autoCalc

Defines the update mode of the module.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Off Off FALSE The module does not react to any field change.
Auto Update AutoUpdate TRUE The module computes a new marker list on any field change.
Auto Clear AutoClear   The module clear the output marker list on any field change.

Vector Mode

name: vectorMode, type: Enum, default: Zero, deprecated name: useVectorInput

Determines how the vector component of the markers shall be initialized.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Zero Zero FALSE Initialize all vector components to zero (default).
Voxel Value VoxelValue   Write voxel value into z component. Similar to setting the type to the voxel value (see Marker Type above), but retains decimal digits of floating point input.
Vector Input VectorInput TRUE Set vector to corresponding vec3(f) value read from second input. (Vector will be zero if no valid vector image is attached.)


name: update, type: Trigger, deprecated name: Calculate

If pressed, the module updates its output marker list.

Hidden Fields


name: progress, type: Double, persistent: no