
The GraphToVolume module creates a volume that contains the labels of the skeleton and vessel voxels.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Clear: Trigger
Fill Value: Double
Output Integer Image: Bool
Update: Trigger
Write Mode: Enum

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger

Updates the output image.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears the output image.

Fill Value

name: fillValue, type: Double, default: -1

Fill value used for background values.

Write Mode

name: writeMode, type: Enum, default: SkeletonAndVesselVoxels, deprecated name: skeletonOnly

Defines how skeleton positions and their vessel voxels are rendered into the image.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Skeleton And Vessel Voxels SkeletonAndVesselVoxels FALSE Both, skeleton positions and their vessel voxels are rendered.
Skeleton Only SkeletonOnly TRUE Only the skeleton positions are rendered.
Vessel Voxels Only VesselVoxelsOnly   Only the vessel voxels are rendered.

Output Integer Image

name: outputIntegerImage, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module outputs an integer image. Otherwise, the data type of the output image is preferably of float type.