
The module BitImageSave stores a connected ml.BitImage object in a file or it converts an ML image with an interval to a BitImage which then is saved alternatively.


Select from which input you want to save the BitImage by activating Save BitImage From Base Connector and then press Save. If you create a BitImage from the connected ML image then specify the value interval before which defines which values are to be set true and which ones false.


Default Panel


Input Fields

The module has two input connectors, an ML image and a Base connector which accepts BitImage base objects. The flag Save BitImage From Base Connector controls which one is saved. The other input is ignored.


name: input0, type: Image

Input ML image.


name: inputBitImage, type: BitImage(MLBase)

Input BitImage.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

File Name: String Status: String
Int Max: Double  
Int Min: Double  
Reduce To Minimum Extent: Bool  
Save: Trigger  
Save BitImage From Base Connector: Bool  
Src Box Mode: Enum  
Src Box Origin: IntVector6  

Visible Fields

File Name

name: fileName, type: String

Sets the path and name of BitImage to be saved.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows status information.

Int Min

name: intMin, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the minimum (incl.) limit of the interval which defines true bit image values.

Int Max

name: intMax, type: Double, default: 256

Sets the maximum (excl.) limit of the interval which defines true bit image values.

Src Box Mode

name: srcBoxMode, type: Enum, default: Auto

Defines how the source box is to be set in the stored BitImage.


Title Name Description
Auto Auto Uses the source box of the connected input BitImage or the extent of the used ML image as box.
Empty Empty Always sets an empty source box.
User User Set source box given by Src Box Origin and extent of the created or the input BitImage.

Src Box Origin

name: srcBoxOrigin, type: IntVector6, default: 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sets the origin of the source box of the stored BitImage if the Src Box Mode User is used.


name: save, type: Trigger

If pressed, the bit image is saved.

Save BitImage From Base Connector

name: saveBaseInput, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the BitImage from the Base connector.

Otherwise converts and saves the connected ML image.

Reduce To Minimum Extent

name: reduceToMinimumExtent, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then only the region with the mask is saved and the source image extent is stored in srcImageBox member.