
This macro implements module SoAngleLines which calculates and renders an angle defined by the three points set by Start Pos , Connect Pos and End Pos.

The currently selected point is displayed in the Status.


See example network.


Consecutive clicks set the start point, the angle point and the end point.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: out2DNode, type: SoNode, deprecated name: output2D

Output for a selection on a 2D viewer.


name: out3DNode, type: SoNode, deprecated name: output3D

3D scene output of the angle lines.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Angle/Arc: Float Interaction Mode: Enum
Angle/Degree: Float Keyboard Increment: Float
Color: Color Line Interrupt Distance: Float
Connect Pos: Vector4 mousePressed: Bool
counter: Integer Start Pos: Vector4
Display name: Bool Status: String
Display unit: Bool Tool Name: String
End Pos: Vector4 Unit: Enum

Visible Fields

Start Pos

name: startPos, type: Vector4, default: -10 0 0 0

Defines a start point.

End Pos

name: endPos, type: Vector4, default: 10 0 0 0

Defines an end point.

Connect Pos

name: connectPos, type: Vector4, default: -10 0 0 0

Defines the position where the angle lines connect.


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 0.100000001490116 0.100000001490116

Set the color.


name: angleArc, type: Float, persistent: no

Displays the angle in arc.


name: angleDegree, type: Float, persistent: no

Displays the angle in degree.

Line Interrupt Distance

name: minDistance, type: Float, default: 10

Minimal distance of distance line interrupt for drawing the result/unit.

Keyboard Increment

name: keyboardIncrement, type: Float, default: 0.0099999998

The step size for moving the tool vertices by the keyboard.


name: unit, type: Enum, default: deg

Displayed unit of the angle (only one so far).


Title Name
deg deg

Display unit

name: unitFlag, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Toggles the displaying of the unit string Unit.

Interaction Mode

name: interactionMode, type: Enum, default: INTERACTION_DIRECT_SELECT

The interaction mode (only one so far).


Title Name Deprecated Name
Interaction Direct Select INTERACTION_DIRECT_SELECT directSelect

Display name

name: toolNameFlag, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Toggles the displaying of the Tool Name.

Tool Name

name: toolName, type: String

An arbitrary string for displaying the name of the measured angle.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Displays the status of the module (for example, what the next click will cause).

Hidden Fields


name: mousePressed, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: counter, type: Integer, default: 1