
The SoShadowMaterial module may be used to give individual objects a distinct shadow color.

See: Illustrative Shadows: Integrating 3D and 2D Information Displays. Felix Ritter, Henry Sonnet, Knut Hartmann, and Thomas Strothotte. Proceedings of ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2003, pp. 166-173.



Connect the SoShadowMaterial module to the scenegraph preceding shapes whose shadow color should be modified.


You may also use the module to change nonshadow material parameters.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

The module has one output connector to include the module into the parent scene.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Ambient Color: String Transparency: String
Diffuse Color: String Use Shadow Color: Bool
Emissive Color: String  
Override Render Pass: Enum  
Shadow Color: String  
Shadow Offset: Vector2  
Shininess: String  
Specular Color: String  

Visible Fields

Ambient Color

name: ambientColor, type: String, default: 0.2 0.2 0.2

Ambient color of the surface.

Diffuse Color

name: diffuseColor, type: String, default: 0.8 0.8 0.8

Diffuse color(s) of the surface.

Specular Color

name: specularColor, type: String, default: 0 0 0

Specular color of the surface.

Emissive Color

name: emissiveColor, type: String, default: 0 0 0

Emissive color of the surface.


name: shininess, type: String, default: 0.2

Shininess coefficient of the surface. Values can range from 0.0 for no shininess (a diffuse surface) to 1.0 for maximum shininess (a highly polished surface).


name: transparency, type: String, default: 0

Transparency value(s) of the surface. Values can range from 0.0 for opaque surfaces to 1.0 for completely transparent surfaces.

Use Shadow Color

name: useShadowColor, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled, the given shadow color will be used.

Shadow Color

name: shadowColor, type: String, default: 0.65 0.62 0.51

Determines the color of the shadow.

Shadow Offset

name: shadowOffset, type: Vector2, default: 0 0

If not ignored (ignored by default), this field can be used to explicitly define how individual shadows should be offset with regard to other shadows.The first component specifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth offset for each polygon. The second component is multiplied by an implementation-specific value to create a constant depth offset. See SoPolygonOffset.

Override Render Pass

name: overrideRenderPass, type: Enum, default: SHADOW

This field may be used to override subsequent material and shadow assignments.


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