
The module GraphLinearFunction computes the graph of a piecewise multi-linear function.

The output is an ML image (up to pre-image space dimension 3) and a CurveData object (for pre-image space dimension 1).

For pre-image space dimension above 3, this module cannot be used.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputFunction, type: MLBase

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image


name: outputGraph, type: MLBase

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Array as dimension: Bool Z: Integer
Automatic Bounding Box: String  
Manual Bounding Box: String  
Max: Double  
Min: Double  
Number of Voxels X: Integer  
Use manual bounding box: Bool  
Y: Integer  

Visible Fields

Automatic Bounding Box

name: autoBBox, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the generic bounding box of the function.

Use manual bounding box

name: useManBBox, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether the graph is drawn on the automatic bounding box of the function or whether a manual bounding box can be entered.

Manual Bounding Box

name: manBBox, type: String

Sets a bounding box of the function manually.

Available if Use manual bounding box is checked.

If you specify not enough intervals (i.e. less then required by the dimensions of the polynomial), the remaining directions are taken from the automatic bounding box.

Note that the manual bounding box should be contained in the automatic bounding box because the function values outside the function’s bounding box are usually not useful.

Number of Voxels X

name: numVoxelX, type: Integer, default: 100, minimum: 2

Sets the number of voxels the graph should consist of in x-direction.

Value might be ignored if the functions depend on less variables.


name: numVoxelY, type: Integer, default: 100, minimum: 2

Sets the number of voxels the graph should consist of in y-direction.

Value might be ignored if the functions depend on less variables.


name: numVoxelZ, type: Integer, default: 100, minimum: 2

Sets the number of voxels the graph should consist of in z-direction.

Value might be ignored if the functions depend on less variables.

Array as dimension

name: useArrayAsAddDim, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module will also accept an array of functions and consider the array index as an additional dimension of the pre-image space (which should hence be 1 or 2 otherwise).


name: addDimMin, type: Double, default: -1

Sets the minimum of the bounding box in the additional dimension.


name: addDimMax, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the maximum of the bounding box in the additional dimension.