
author Daniel Romberg
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLAsynchronousIO
definition MLAsynchronousIO.def
see also TcpClient
keywords asio, network, connection, asynchronous


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inIoContext, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inIoService

The IO context that is used for the server and its accepted sockets

Output Fields


name: outSocketObservable, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outDuplexChannelObservable,outTcpSocketObservable

An observable that signals connected sockets as duplex channel interfaces in the input IO context’s processing thread

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Bind Address: String
isListening: Bool
Last Error: String
Port: Integer
Start: Trigger
Stop: Trigger
Used Port: Integer

Visible Fields


name: start, type: Trigger

Start listening for connections


name: stop, type: Trigger

Stop listening for connections

Last Error

name: lastError, type: String, persistent: no

The last error that has happened while listening if any

Bind Address

name: bindAddress, type: String, default:

The IP address to bind the acceptor socket to


name: port, type: Integer, default: 0

The port on which the acceptor socket shout listen (use 0 if OS should choose a free one)

Used Port

name: usedPort, type: Integer, persistent: no

The port that was actually chosen (e.g., if 0 was specified for port such that OS chooses)

Hidden Fields


name: isListening, type: Bool, persistent: no

Flag whether the server is currently listening