
genre Other
author Diego Barrios Romero
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLReserveBottomMemory
definition MLReserveBottomMemory.def
keywords debug, 64bit, memory


Reserve all of the bottom memory to force allocations to start above the 4GB line. This can easily expose 64-bit compatibility issues.


Instantiate the module and trigger the Reserve Memory field to reserve the memory.


Reserve the memory as early as possible in your process. Ideally before creating any other module.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Reserve Memory

name: reserveMemory, type: Trigger

Reserves/allocates most of the memory below the 4GB line.

Free Memory

name: freeMemory, type: Trigger

Frees the reserved/allocated memory.

Out Is Memory Allocated

name: outIsMemoryAllocated, type: Bool, persistent: no

Displays if the memory is reserved/allocated or not.