
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/ReleaseMeVis
definition FieldValueExporter.def
see also SettingsManager
keywords expoprt, save, value, file, save, store, write


FieldValueExporter is a convenience macro to save the value of a field in a file.

The field whose value to export can be specified either via a field (connection) or with a name of a module plus field name like in a ctx.field() statement. Thus even fields deep inside of modules can be referenced without the need of field connections which may not be possible always.

The exported values can either be written or appended to the file such that normal file export as well as log file handling is supported. Of course automatic exports on field changes are possible, too.

The output file can be specified as a file name, can be extended with a (counted) index and the currently specified file also can be removed easily. Error state information is logged with a success flag, a status field as well as configurable ML error logs.

FieldValueExporter is especially useful for application builders to reduce the need for script code in situations where field values have to be exported as files or if log files shall be created.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Auto Increment: Bool Remove File: Trigger
Auto Save: Bool Save: Trigger
Error Log Mode: Enum Status: String
Field Value: String Succeeded: Bool
Index: Integer Use Indexing: Bool
Named Field Value: String Value To Write: Enum
Output File Name: String Write Mode: Enum
Parent Levels Up: Integer  

Visible Fields

Parent Levels Up

name: parentLevelsUp, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

Specifies the number of network levels to go up before searching field values. This is needed to use FieldValueExporter in internal networks of macro modules. Fields typically shall be searched in the network in which the macro module is instantiated and not in the internal network of the macro itself. In such cases Parent Levels Up should be 1 instead of the 0. When using it in an internal network of a macro in an internal network then use 2 etc.

Output File Name

name: outputFileName, type: String

The full file name of the file to be stored including directory path and suffix.

Value To Write

name: valueToWrite, type: Enum, default: namedFieldValue

Determines whether the value of Field Value or the value of the field referenced with Named Field Value shall be written.


Title Name Description
Named Field Value namedFieldValue The value of the field named in Named Field Value is written to file.
Field Value fieldValue  

Named Field Value

name: namedFieldValue, type: String

If Value To Write is namedFieldValue then the value of the field described in this field is written to file. The field whose value shall be written is described case sensitively like in the ctx.field() syntax, such as or View2D.ext.sliceZoom.min or so. The value of this field is ignored if Value To Write is not namedFieldValue.

Field Value

name: fieldValue, type: String

If Value To Write is fieldValue then the value of Field Value is written to file. The value of this field is ignored if Value To Write is not fieldValue.

Write Mode

name: writeMode, type: Enum, default: create

The way how the field value is written into the file.


Title Name Description
Create create Writes the value to a newly created file. If another one with the same name exist it will be overwritten silently.
Append append If the file exists then the value is appended, otherwise the file is created and the value is written into it.

Error Log Mode

name: errorLogMode, type: Enum, default: logAllFailures

Controls whether and when the module logs ML errors on failures.


Title Name Description
Log Nothing doNotLog No error or failure causes any ML error log.
Only Save Failures logOnlySaveFailures Only failures of save operations are logged as ML error.
All Failures logAllFailures Any failures are logged as ML error.


name: index, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

If Use Indexing is on this value is inserted as index in the file name (before the suffix); it is insensitive and unused if Use Indexing is off.

Use Indexing

name: useIndexing, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked then before writing a file the file names is extended with Index before its suffix, otherwise the file name is taken as it is.

Auto Increment

name: autoIncrement, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked then after a successful file export Index is incremented, otherwise it is left unchanged.

Auto Save

name: autoSave, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked then any change of Named Field Value or Field Value implicitly touch Save. If not checked then Save must be touched to write any value to file. Note that only changes of Named Field Value itself are observed for modifications, and not the field referenced by it.

Remove File

name: removeFile, type: Trigger

Removes the current file if it exists and resets succeeded state to off. Note that remove usually does not work after Save if Auto Increment is checked. This is because Save implicitly increases the index for the file name and the export file name then does not match the recently written file any more.


name: save, type: Trigger

Stores the value of the field described with Value To Write in the file. The file name is built according to the settings of Output File Name, Index and Use Indexing.


name: successFullyStored, type: Bool, persistent: no

Checked after a successful save operation (either due to touch of Save or implicitly if Auto Save is checked), or disabled on any error or changes of fields.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows information about the most recent operation.