Source code for fmeTestSupport.TestGrouping

# Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
# **InsertLicense** code author="Jan-Martin Kuhnigk"

from mevis import MLAB


[docs]def addTestGroup( groupID, prefix, functionScope, context ): """ Creates a new Test Case Group from all functions starting with a certain prefix (prefix starts after TEST, so TEST01_Whatever matches the prefix 01, or 01_What, ...). Makes sure the order of the groups reflects the order of the addTestGroup calls. If no function matches the prefix, a warning is logged. :param groupID: Name of the created group :param prefix: Common prefix of test function names to be included into the group :param functionScope: Scope to search for test functions, typically globals() :param context: Context to create the group in, typically ctx or Base.getTestCaseContext() :return: None """ def _getFunctionsWithPrefix( prefix ): functions = [ ] for fctName, fct in functionScope.items(): if fctName.startswith( prefix ) or fctName.startswith( "DISABLED_" + prefix ): functions.append( fct ) return tuple( functions ) def _getGroupPrefixFromIndex( index ): return "GROUP{0:0{1}}_".format( index, NUM_TEST_GROUP_INDEX_DIGITS ) def _getNextFreeGroupIndex( ): index = context.scriptVariable("__nextFreeGroupIndex") if index is None: index = 0 context.setScriptVariable( "__nextFreeGroupIndex", index + 1 ) return index matchingFunctions = _getFunctionsWithPrefix( "TEST" + prefix ) if matchingFunctions: groupIndex = _getNextFreeGroupIndex() groupName = "{}{}".format( _getGroupPrefixFromIndex( groupIndex ), groupID ) context.setScriptVariable( groupName, lambda: matchingFunctions ) else: MLAB.logWarning( "Warning in addTestGroup: No test functions found that start with '{}'".format( prefix ))