Source code for ApplicationVersioningSupport.VersionHistoryParser

# Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
# **InsertLicense** code
#! VersionHistoryParser: Helps to read and parse version history strings
# \file
# \author  Jan-Martin Kuhnigk
# \date    2014-08

# associated_tests: ApplicationVersioningSupport.tests.VersionHistoryParserTest

from .VersionInfo import VersionInfo
from .VersionHistory import VersionHistory

class VersionInfoCurrentVersionNotFoundException( Exception ): pass

class VersionInfoCurrentVersionKeyNotFoundException( VersionInfoCurrentVersionNotFoundException ): pass

class VersionInfoCurrentVersionEmptyException( VersionInfoCurrentVersionNotFoundException ): pass

maxDebugStringLength = 250  # amount of characters of the string printed in case of error.

class ParsingParameters( object ):
  """ Container for parsing parameters.

  def __init__( self ):
    self.currentVersionKey = "Current Version:"

[docs]class GetVersionHistoryFromString( object ): """ Can parse a version history string and generate a VersionHistory object from it. Looks like a class but can be used like a function. :param inputString: version history string to parse :param parsingParameters: define how to parse the file, see ParsingParameters documentation :raises: VersionInfoCurrentVersionNotFoundException if the current version could not be found in the string :return: The VersionHistory object read """ def __new__( cls, *args, **kwargs ): self = object.__new__( cls ) self.__init__( *args, **kwargs ) self._readVersionHistoryFromInputString( ) return self._versionHistory def __init__( self, inputString, parsingParameters = None ): self._inputString = inputString self._parsingParameters = parsingParameters if parsingParameters is not None else ParsingParameters( ) def _readVersionHistoryFromInputString( self ): self._versionHistory = VersionHistory( ) self._versionHistory.setCurrentVersionInfo( self._getCurrentVersionFromInputString( ) ) def _getCurrentVersionFromInputString( self ): currentVersionInfoLine = self._getCurrentVersionInfoLine( ) return self._getVersionInfoFromVersionInfoString( currentVersionInfoLine ) def _getCurrentVersionInfoLine( self ): def __getExceptionMessage( baseMessage ): debugStringLength = min( len( self._inputString ), maxDebugStringLength ) postfix = "" if len( self._inputString ) <= maxDebugStringLength else "[...]" return "{} '{} {}'".format( baseMessage, self._inputString[ :debugStringLength ], postfix ) def __verifyNonNullVersionInfoLine( ): if versionInfoLine is None: exceptionMessage = __getExceptionMessage( "Current version indicator string '{}' not found in string".format( self._parsingParameters.currentVersionKey ) ) raise VersionInfoCurrentVersionKeyNotFoundException( exceptionMessage ) def __verifyNonEmptyVersionString( ): if len( versionInfoLine ) == 0: exceptionMessage = __getExceptionMessage( "Current version after key '{}' is empty in string".format( self._parsingParameters.currentVersionKey ) ) raise VersionInfoCurrentVersionEmptyException( exceptionMessage ) versionInfoLine = self._getLineAfterKey( self._parsingParameters.currentVersionKey ) __verifyNonNullVersionInfoLine( ) versionInfoLine = self._GetNormalizedVersionString( versionInfoLine ) __verifyNonEmptyVersionString( ) return versionInfoLine def _getVersionInfoFromVersionInfoString( self, normalizedVersionInfoString ): majorVersionIndexEnd = normalizedVersionInfoString.find( " " ) if majorVersionIndexEnd >= 0: majorVersion = self._GetNormalizedVersionString( normalizedVersionInfoString[ 0: majorVersionIndexEnd ] ) minorVersion = self._GetNormalizedVersionString( normalizedVersionInfoString[ majorVersionIndexEnd + 1: ] ) else: majorVersion = normalizedVersionInfoString minorVersion = "" return VersionInfo( majorVersion, minorVersion ) def _getLineAfterKey( self, key ): keyIndexStart = self._inputString.find( key ) if keyIndexStart >= 0: lineAfterKeyStart = keyIndexStart + len( key ) lineAfterKeyEnd = self._inputString.find( "\n", keyIndexStart ) if lineAfterKeyStart <= lineAfterKeyEnd: return self._inputString[ lineAfterKeyStart: lineAfterKeyEnd ] return None @classmethod def _GetNormalizedVersionString( cls, versionInfoLine ): return versionInfoLine.strip( )