Source code for ApplicationVersioningSupport.VersionHistory

# Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
# **InsertLicense** code
#! VersionHistory: Info about the application's version history.
# \file
# \author  Jan-Martin Kuhnigk
# \date    2014-08

# associated_tests: ApplicationVersioningSupport.tests.VersionHistoryTest

__author__ = 'jmkuhnigk'

from .VersionInfo import VersionInfo

[docs]class VersionHistory( object ): """ Information about an application's version history. """ def __init__( self ): self.currentVersion = VersionInfo( ) def __eq__( self, other ): if type( other ) is type( self ): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ else: return False # Hash function needs to be overridden for Python3 compatibility due to overriden __eq__, but since we don't need # hashing right now, we disable it. __hash__ = None def __ne__( self, other ): return not self.__eq__( other ) def __repr__( self ): return self.__dict__.__repr__( ) def getCurrentVersionInfo( self ): return self.currentVersion def setCurrentVersionInfo( self, versionInfo ): self.currentVersion = versionInfo